I'm plot resetting Marshal as well and I forgot to block the area of my last move out.. He's spawning almost everytime there, ugh.
How can people spend so much time resetting? I reset three times and screamed bloody murder and gave up. Because the beginning drives me up the wall. Why do I have to spend so much time talking to Rover and arriving in town just to find that NO, I did NOT get what I want? Forget that!
I've been plot resetting for Marshal since yesterday but he's so stubborn! He only spawns in the area I want maybe 1/10 times and it'll always be off by a space or two. ArGgGggggg!
I feel your pain...day 4 of plot resetting for Beau! I am so frustrated! He is always one square to the left of where I want him when he lands in the area I want him to!!!!!Day 4 of plot resetting for marshal
Day 4 of plot resetting for marshal
Day 3 over here. I think he hates me.
he hates all of us lols
It's sad because he has this beautiful space surrounded by flowers (it used to be my mule's space) and yet he prefers to plot in front of my retail. I won't give in though, I had to delete my paths mule so I could use that space for him.