Plot Reset or Villager Reset or Etc?

I plot reset when I adopt villagers. I'm not too picky for plot placements, just as long as they aren't in my path or knocking down trees I'm good. Eugene was easy to reset (only 3 tries) but for Fuchsia it took 15 tries just to get near the spot I wanted her to go. It wasn't aligned 100 percent, but I was getting too impatient and let her stay there. Still looks nice though, which I'm happy with. :)
I keep trying the campsite trick but I have yet to get ANYONE in my campsite -___-
I completely gave up on plot resetting after Marshall wouldn't choose another spot to live in every time I did. Funny enough, when I chose to give up and just went in game with my mayor, he'd chosen a different, much nicer spot :p