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Plot Resetting Experiences!


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Rose
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ever since I started my new town I've been trying to plot reset my villagers to places not in the way of anything I had planned. I like to keep them fairly scattered to make it seem "random" but I also have certain standards for my houses (i.e. not touching paths, enough room for flowers on each side, in front of/beside a path rather than behind it, etc.).

I've found, as I'm sure many plot resetters have, that there are places in the town, EXACT places, that the villagers will repeatedly try and move. My biggest pet peeve spot is right next to my beach ramp - literally! They want to place their house 1 square away from the ramp. At least 1/5 times that I reset I will find them trying to move into that place. It is SO annoying.

There are also certain spots where they will NEVER move. My house is on a peninsula and there's a corner at the bottom of the peninsula where I have been patiently trying to get one of them to move into. Instead, the only place along the peninsula they will try and move is right next to my house. There is plenty of room along the peninsula but they only want that ONE spot, not anywhere else.

I know they like to place themselves near other existing establishments or old places where other villagers lived. I just wish they would move in more randomly. I wonder if I could plot reset forever and never get them anywhere near where I want them. It's especially hard since I've already got 7 of my dreamies placed and I only have room for the last 3. Currently I'm trying to place Prince and it's one of the hardest placements I've had to deal with.

SO! What are your experiences plot resetting? Which villager was your hardest to plot reset? How much time have you spent plot resetting one single villager?
I never plot reset. That's why where my villagers homes are really over the place.
I plot reset Lionel, my newest villager. ^_^ He was quite a pain....he kept wanting to land directly above the campsite where he would be in front of another villager's house, not only that but I had planned trees and hedges there to make the campsite more secluded, (yet pretty.) For the first I don't know...maybe 8 times I tried to reset him he would only move a space or two away from that exact spot. I kept resetting though and I eventually got him to move by my lighthouse, in a spot I hadn't even considered for him and it ended up being perfect! It took a few hours I'd say, but it was worth it in my opinion. :)
Oh god plot resetting. I think I've plot reset almost every villager in my town. I have all my paths the way I want them and I have very specific plots where I want people to move in. I'm so afraid of losing my precious hybrid roses </3

I once plot reset for hours and hours trying to get Ankha to move in somewhere /not/ on my paths. A lot of my villagers only ever had to be plot reset once. I had Diana move in and the very first time I had her in she was in the perfect spot.

I had a villager move out one time and then I didn't play for a while and another villager moved ECACTLY into the plot where his house used to be. That has to be my best/scariest experience with villagers moving in/out!
I just got Kid Cat who've I wanted for a long time and I tted to tomorrow and reset a couple times but the house hasn't moved so I guess I messed up somehow :/ his house is in the worst spot too.
I just got Kid Cat who've I wanted for a long time and I tted to tomorrow and reset a couple times but the house hasn't moved so I guess I messed up somehow :/ his house is in the worst spot too.

If you TT'd that means you logged onto the mayor, right? As soon as you log onto the mayor it sets the home placement permanently. Best way to do it is change the DS time a day forward and then create a new character before logging onto the mayor. If you did that then idk why that would happen. Sucks when a villager you've been trying hard to get moves into a sucky spot (happened to me with Fauna T_T).
I have to plot reset otherwise everybody loves to move right in front of my house! The smug's are the worst. Fortunately, with my town Mystic, I got lucky with time travelling and everyone is exactly where they should be.
I've been plot resetting in my second town to try and make sure that none of my dreamies move in yet. I haven't decided on where they're going to go, so right now it's better if I get random villagers I don't care about because I can just kick them out later.
Ohhh, I ended up building and designing my town so where ever villagers plop their houses, I could work and accommodate with what is there and just made sure my flowers and hybrids were hid well so I don't have to breed/buy so many. I haven't plot resetted before, I kind of want to try xD
I'm having good luck in my new town Zephyr.... but I've had some struggles in the past.... most recently Lopez took forever! I plot reset him over the course of a day and a half! granted I worked in between times resetting though lol!

I think my worst was like 3 days or something, like it took forever! I remember thinking, I don't even like this villager any more!!!!
I plot reset my villagers in a way they aren't close to any major buildings or future pwps but I don't try to make it perfect.
they really like to try to plot right in front of my second character's home ehich is super annoying.... They also seem to like to destroy areas that I've landscaped lol )x
Well, the first person I plot reset was Beau and he took four days and didn't even go where I wanted (because it was actually an impossible spot I didn't realize at the time).
Usually I have a (well, several) 3x3 specific spots I want them to go into, but I'm an impatient person so I usually accept any half decent spot and work with it.

In my 1YC town I'm not plot resetting because although that forces me to work around bad spots, its a lot less stressful than sitting for hours plot resetting. Plus, no one can plot in front of my house because it's right above the cliff over the beach.
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I just learned to plot reset for my current town.

The first villager I tried to do some plot resetting was Chief, and it was such a pain for him to plot his house beside Fang's house. Took me about 3 hours!

Also, I got Snake out of a campsite. Since he's my all-time dream villager, I was very picky on the place he's supposed to lay his house on. He keeps on plotting his house beside my mayor's house! It took me like 2 hours, I think until I went "ok fine snekkie you won, i like you anyway so i am not bothered with you living beside me"!
I did it for the first time with lolly today. ... I wish I knew how to do it so I could have fix some houses on my bf town and mine
I used to plot reset, but I don't anymore.

My longest reset was 2 days, my shortest like 2 hours.
I had Skye in my town before since she had moved from a friends town and I held the villager for her but I still knew I wanted to plot reset incase she went over any hybrids and that's stressed me out so much like the only places she would move was ontop of flowers or right ontop of where a bush used to be

Until this very day I'm convinced she can mind read....she knew that I didn't want her moving there so she did it on purpose Skye is evil don't ever speak to her :eek:
ugh yea plot resetting... such fun..
the spot i hate the most is right under the town hall. they always end up there somehow.
one tip: build a destroyable pwp in the spot they most land on.
i am really stuborn while plot resetting tho. eventually they will try a few new places.
i always watch videos or listen to music while resetting to keep my insanity. and a few breaks help too.
good luck!
The first villager to move into my town, Ribbot, placed his house pretty much wall to wall with my mayor's and to me that ruined the whole appeal since having a secluded house was one of my biggest wishes. I thought that there wouldn't be enough room for any villager, but he found a way haha. Everywhere else on the map is fair game, but now that I'm starting over I will plot reset to make certain it doesn't happen again. Didn't help that Ribbot also refused to move out - he's my favourite jock, but decided to cycle him out by TTing and almost everyone else had wanted to move twice by the time he offered (despite not being anywhere near having the newest villager status).
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I plot reset, but I have to be doing something else at the same time (like watching TV or reading) or I'll lose the will to live.

These days, if I know I'm going to move a villager into my town, I spend the days leading up to them moving in building the PWP rack of rice everywhere. It looks terrible, but it's an extremely cheap PWP that takes up two spaces, so it means there are only a few places a new villager can move. Definitely worth it over the pain of resetting over multiple days to get your dreamie just right. I've traded away villagers I really loved because their houses were in awkward places.