pls Nintendo...

Jul 22, 2013
Small Mailbox
we need more pocket camp furniture in the game. its absolutely beautiful. why is it so hard to just move some items to the game in the next update?? I'm enjoying all the seasonal furniture and stuff but I really wish we had more rare/unorderable items like in NL (7/11 collection, region locked items). I sure do hope Gracie Grace comes back at least.
They'd have to update all of the graphics from the pocket camp style to the new horizons style (I assume it means they'd need to "rebuild" all of the items to be higher definition). I also think it's a different team working on pocket camp content vs new horizons content? Might be wrong. I am 100% with you on wanting Pocket Camp furniture in NH though!!
I think it is a different team for pocket camp, which is why pocket camp has almost a pay to play type of style (ie it can be hard to get fortune cookies bc leaf tickets are difficult to come by once you level up enough so you’re tempted to just buy them). But I agree that pocket camp has beautiful furniture. And the villagers interact with the furniture in pocket camp in such fun ways like they ride the merry go round and hug the giant Eevee. It would be so cute to have that in new horizons
I agree. I mean I like the funriture in the game, but to decorate outside, I feel I am using a lot of the same stuff. For sitting anyways.
I wish you could also decortate more easily outside, like you can inside. I had a big table that could fit 4 objects depend on size. I want to puit the cornucopia in the back and two items in front of it. I couldn't or the cornucopia could have had to be backwards. So I had to put the cornucopia in the front and the items behind it.
Unfortunately, you answered your own question. PC and NH are different games. PC is a pay to play style and thus requires vested interest every week or so to keep players interested in the game. This is why PC has more interesting furniture than NH. NH is like previous AC games and is more laid-back in releasing content. There will be more furniture in NH but gradually over time.
Like others have said, I think a lot of it is the game engine. It probably wouldn't be hard for them to add the basic objects to New Horizons (chairs, tables, etc), but the more special furniture wouldn't have the same interactivity as Pocket Camp since Pocket Camp's villagers are assigned one specific animation per refresh, whereas New Horizons villagers have the autonomy to walk around.

I do think the future, ideal Animal Crossing game would be some combination of the best parts of both games, but I don't know if that will ever happen.
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The reason PC gets all the new furniture is because people pay for it. Fortune Cookies are a couple bucks each, and its a lottery if you get the ones you want/need. To get a full set, you're gonna have to pay for a bunch of fortune cookies. And they release new ones every other week. Plus the furniture that they outright sell for leaf tickets.

You can play PC free to play, but you won't get all the items or have matching sets. Your average paying PC player probably spends more than $60 a year. (In fact, how mobile games make their money is off players called 'whales' - the ones who spend hundreds of dollars).

If people could get all the items of PC in NH? For a one time payment of $60? Many of them would abandon PC.
Even if PC is pay to play, in a way so is NH. You can't experience the entire game unless you pay to go online. Plus we do need way more furniture before the end of this game's life. Just because you can get more stuff in PC by paying for it doesn't mean it's a good business decision for them to have the mindset that we've already paid for the game so 'there's no point in them doing more' It's a mainline Animal Crossing game not a spin off like PC. So it should be better than the mobile game. And I hope it doesn't take it until the end of its lifespan to surpass content from PC.
It's not that easy I don't think.

I wish we had some of the pocket camp furniture too, but I doubt that will happen.

I'm hoping for some more cool furniture as well, but I don't think we will get what Pocket Camp has. Isn't that game run by a different company? Or did I just hear that somewhere, and it's not true. 😂
I want to puit the cornucopia in the back and two items in front of it. I couldn't or the cornucopia could have had to be backwards.
you can go into design mode and change direction of the cornucopia while it's on the table and outside you can stand a certain way to get the cornucopia facing the right way while in the back
agreed!! while i understand why this likely will never happen, i’d honestly love to see even just a few of the items be added in, as they’re so, so gorgeous,,
Even if PC is pay to play, in a way so is NH. You can't experience the entire game unless you pay to go online. Plus we do need way more furniture before the end of this game's life. Just because you can get more stuff in PC by paying for it doesn't mean it's a good business decision for them to have the mindset that we've already paid for the game so 'there's no point in them doing more' It's a mainline Animal Crossing game not a spin off like PC. So it should be better than the mobile game. And I hope it doesn't take it until the end of its lifespan to surpass content from PC.
Yeah I've always wondered if NH counted as a Pay to Play. Because it kind of is if you want access to many things.
If it's too difficult to add 1:1 the same items from Pocket Camp, perhaps they could add items inspired by those in terms of design and function? Otherwise, as much as I like the majority of the items PC has, I would prefer more a comeback of the older sets from the previous games, even if it's just a handful of them.
Yea, I wish they could add items from Pocket Camp to New Horizons too.. but I’m pretty sure both games have different teams working on them, and it’d be too much hassle remaking the items into New Horizons HD style.
I don’t play Pocket Camp but I did like the collab furniture stuff we get from linking our accounts to our New Horizons game or whatever. I wouldn’t say no to more of those sweet items but I guess I’m not annoyed by the lack of further collabs or anything ‘.’
I mean I agree but it makes sense that PC has more varied furniture when the game is built on decorating your campsite and cabin. also many people will buy leaf tickets to collect all the furniture from fortune cookies, bc no way you'd be able to collect them all from the LTs you get via leveling up.
Among the other reasons why this would take more time than you'd think, I'd like to point out NH also has a wind engine.
They would need to give a lot of the less-solid furniture wind physics.​
I'd happily pay for PC furniture in NH.....

Maybe once the game has been out more than a year and they've got all the seasonal / main free updates they want to do out they way, they could release furniture packs from PC with upscaled models for a small price