pls Nintendo...

I think the special section of Nook Shopping will be the only PC items we see in NH, they’ll have different teams working on them serving different purposes, and they definitely won’t want to dilute the income stream PC provides
I absolutely agree. I would loooove to have furniture and clothing/accessories from Pocket Camp in the game. I understand that it's a different game, a different team, etc...but it's the same franchise and I'm sure the NH team can borrow some ideas. The flower crowns and pool definitely made it into NH!
we definitely do! i feel like PC gets the best furniture and clothes because they wanna get people to keep paying though, so i kinda doubt we'll get those beautiful items.
I'm kinda hoping once all the major holidays are out of the way here soon...that it'll mean the development team will be able to focus a large update with added items (furniture, wallpapers, floors, etc), features (increased outdoor home/RS customize options), so forth.

Fingers crossed anyways. We did get the campground/amiibo update late into New Leaf so...I'm hopeful there's much more to come for NH.
My personal opinion but, I would rather they didn’t add the current PC items into NH.

I would rather they create different furniture, so each game has their own furniture.

Also as PC players pay for their items, im pretty certain they won’t be happy if the items ended up in a game you pay a one amount sum for.

Since ac series has never had any micro transactions in their games, not including amiibos since they’re technically merchandise. I doubt that method would work either.
Wait a minute! PC has an eevee outfit! I want it so much, saw mentions of a plush eevee so looked it up and can't believe there is a bunch of eevee stuff in PC. We need these in NH right now!
lol i remember when pocket camp was first released and i played religiously thinking that the furniture would be able to be transferred into the new switch game

boy i couldn't have been more wrong
A lot of furniture is missing I wished they would just add stuff from pervious games and like pocket camp, nl and wild world. The furniture in pocket camp is amazing. I saw the different Christmas items they get and it’s so much more then what nh has and pocket isn’t even a “main stream” animal crossing game.
I want this too but I doubt we will ever get them unless nintendo charges us for them. If they started giving us a ton of pocket camp items in free updates for new horizons they would lose out on a LOT of money. Pocket camp items are incredibly expensive and nintendo makes tons of money off of them, to just hand them out free in new horizons would be a bad business move. But then again nintendo has made some bad business moves in the past sooo there could be a little bit of hope lol.
God, I would love the Pocket Camp Furniture. They're all so unique and pretty. Plus all the different hairstyles and outfits are so beautiful. I also wish we could have the angel wings since we have the devil wings.
i never played pocket camp so i can't really compare the two, but i agree that NH needs more items / special items in general. there's definitely a lack of furniture in this game. i feel like we had more options in NL
What a strange and sad situation that a mobile game gets better treatment than a main game 😂

Pocket Camp even had earrings, you'd think that would have been an easy thing to implement in NH.

Overall I vastly prefer New Horizons but having played PC for a long time it's a little frustrating.
I agree with you. I think ACNH needs more furniture variety and I would be delighted if they decided to include Pocket Camp furniture sets. In particular, I am longing for the ethereal fountain set, the Grandiose and the Grim Grandiose sets, and the celestial observatory set, but also some pieces of furniture from the lavish ball set, scholar set, and lily chapel set.
I also wish the villagers would interact with things like they do in pocket camp 😭
Hahah... in the midst of hyping acnh i thought for sure they would just eeeeasily import the models straight from PC and i could have all the furniture i spent money on but in NH. but here we are months later and its likely not going to happen since they put far to much detail into making every furniture in NH look polished. so instead we got the furniture assets from PC no one asked for 💀 lmao (market place decor, fortune cookie cart, etc.)
I agree with you. I think ACNH needs more furniture variety and I would be delighted if they decided to include Pocket Camp furniture sets. In particular, I am longing for the ethereal fountain set, the Grandiose and the Grim Grandiose sets, and the celestial observatory set, but also some pieces of furniture from the lavish ball set, scholar set, and lily chapel set.
I don't know what those sets look like but they sound fancy, a style that NH is desperately lacking! I tried to make a royal house and ended up reusing tons of things I hoarded from the wedding event plus the antique furniture because that's the only furniture that has a fancy vibe. In the end my house looks more like a decorated normal home than a royal one lol.
I don't know what those sets look like but they sound fancy, a style that NH is desperately lacking! I tried to make a royal house and ended up reusing tons of things I hoarded from the wedding event plus the antique furniture because that's the only furniture that has a fancy vibe. In the end my house looks more like a decorated normal home than a royal one lol.

Yes, they are fancy! And I agree with you that New Horizons lacks fancy furniture, which is why I am so desperate for some fancy looking furniture sets to be added in a future update.
There definetly will be a lot more added in the future but for right now I'm happy with what we got, I don't like to feel overwhelmed right off the bat and have too many options. I like to replace stuff with the newer items as its realeased, always improving sections of the island at a more slower pace.