wahoo!im number 4 on the waiting list! and btw...not all of the people on the waiting list are active in this board.
rafren said:
wahoo!im number 4 on the waiting list! and btw...not all of the people on the waiting list are active in this board.
yeah maybe cuz they arent members yet
MasterM64 said:
Sorry for all the trouble yesterday again! I'll calm down now.
^It's fine you were just trying to do the best you could for the group :) . Very ambitious XD .
Also at Cooler LOL XD .

Sumo may happen today if it can XD .
IceZtar said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Colm Fitzi vs Iceztar
xeladude vs crispysoup

boyobean vs bud
crazygamer vs MasterM64

daveyp1997 vs Cooler
.......................vs Kalinn
Conor vs Kalinn

acfreak vs Niall
andydrew42 vs Suaure
I thought I would make it a bit clearer. Also I might be doing a 3rd place final, 5th place and 9th place if I have enough Pitfalls XD .

I can't because my mum is watching TV.
I'll probably be free after lunch :D .
YEs let the sumoe commence!
Going to add you and set up. After I set up dvaey and Cooler please come to my town ^_^ .