Thats not right, you need to just PM them that they haven't posted lately and need to get active again. When you say, "post by friday or else!" your pretty much forcing them to become active again even if they don't want to or they can't because of their schedules. They're some members who don't get on everyday or even weeks because they're busy, so don't do that.Cooler said:yes
i made this new topic so i can edit it while suaure is gone
we have lots of members that never post and just waste our time. i will delete them as soon as i kno who they are
ill put you to our waiting listrebma girl said:can i join?
Thank you Robo.Samurai! The secret forums are ready now but, i want Cooler to inspect it to see how it looks and everything! The forum offers a calendar,a rank system,a currency,almost endless custom options for evry user, a arcade,a shop, and more! I'll PM the link to Cooler so he can look at it and we'll be distributing the URL through via PM so that only TEG Members can join! Be looking forward to the new forums because they are nice and awesome!robo.samurai said:can I join?
P.S.I leveled up your brawl card and MKwii license MasterM64
Currently Cooler is incharge of the group because Saure hasn't logged on in forever! I just sent the URL to the special TEG forums to Cooler and he'll tell the URL through via PM to all TEG Members!xeladude said:Why is it that you guys have a never active leader.