Oh i see, The group does Wi-Fi fun and trading. Have monthly events and special forums.
bittermeat uve been added to our waiting list
thanks for messaging me master :)

water guns dont come out till 23 i presume :p
Our last class was Chinese....every one was so sleeeeeepyyy.....and after that every one was like rushing to the door....but yeah...our teacher made me sleepy too! XD
i hate boring teachers that make the class so boring
it makes me get sleepy too if the class is super boring whats ur current time right now
its 7:10 am my time
whats ur time?
Cooler said:
bittermeat uve been added to our waiting list
thanks for messaging me master :)

water guns dont come out till 23 i presume :p
Your welcome, all of us TEG Members should add each other right now so we can stay strong on the internet. I've so far registered Cooler and Wii Master to my friends list so lets all register each other here or on PMs now!
We need to register each other so we'll have less complications for every event! I've PMed Conor so far i'm PMing Kalinn and IceZtar next.
It's me i bet asking to register you ^_^! All of us TEG Members need to register each other if we want less complications and a more strongly connected wi-fi group.