Pocket Camp crossover items

I find it hard to believe that they would suddenly disable reordering from Nook Shopping if the items are already unlocked for someone to begin with, and completely removing access to the items for everyone simply sounds unrealistic. I believe when Nintendo says that they’ll be available until November 28th, they mean that users will have until then to unlock the items for repurchasing in their Nook Shopping catalog. Now don’t completely take my word for it as it’s only my theory, but that’s how I view it. In fact, aren’t the Mario items listed in a “promo” section? It’s been well over three years since that update.

Regardless, I’m pretty sure trading and/or treasure islands will be the way to go for those wanting the items that haven’t previously linked their accounts.
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I can confirm that with the Pocket Camp servers now shut down, you are still able to reorder the Pocket Camp items from Nook Shopping if you linked your account prior. I just ordered myself another Market Banner without issue.
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I'm glad that people who connected Pocket Camp to their Nintendo Account will continue to have access to ordering these items. I started up a Pocket Camp save on Tuesday night and then ordered all of the items last night, but especially focused on getting a bunch of Market Banners. While it turns out it was unnecessary, I figure it was better to be safe than sorry. I'll probably still end up using most of them anyway, so whatever.