📷 Pocket Camp Screenshots

There's nothing quite like the feeling of completing an event. :p


Had too much fun with some of the new items! So, I felt like bringing the winter fun indoors. <3
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Lavender's school campsite is just perfect. Even the amenities are on point.

rowanbeare.jpg flipsleepe.jpg

couple screenshots of my campers i took and edited. btw i love flip, he's underrated imo.​
I think the monkeys as a whole are very underappreciated. I have Deli in my town and I love him but none of the monkey villagers seem to be popular at all.

agreed! i adore all of them tbh, i even made and am working on a jungle themed town solely as an excuse to include all 8 monkey villagers in it (plus peewee). it's nice to know that other people appreciate the monkey villagers as well, i usually just see them hated on.
I just love the little scene that plays out when a visiting camper stands next to the snowy tree ... sneezing ... snowy branch unloads on them and ... shock! I managed to catch it as it finished playing out ... lol ... Poor Aurora :rolleyes:

My friend Elizabeth had such a clever idea:


The ducks are a great touch. I love it so much. I wish there was a way to tell her, but the kudos system is pretty meaningless now that you just click a button.
My friend Elizabeth had such a clever idea:


The ducks are a great touch. I love it so much. I wish there was a way to tell her, but the kudos system is pretty meaningless now that you just click a button.
Love this! Very cool idea! I wish we could leave meaningful comments too :rolleyes:
Those buncha bells maps have made me 100k bells richer lol keep em coming boys

Also I'm hoping to get up to 2k leaf tickets soon. It's nice to get $80 worth of leaf tickets for free lol. I think I'm already at $40 worth



A very romantic springtime atmosphere. <3

I love these event items/Poppy?s Cocoa Cookie. Ndcmalwprnfoe.
Well, I theoretically completed the candy goals. For some reason there's an extra page, but we'll ignore that for now lol.

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I think they realized there’s still the fishing tourney to go and nothing to do with all the extra candy we’ll get, so here’s an extra page of goals, kids.

Valentine?s Day is tomorrow, so why not make an intimate cabin dwelling? <3