Pokémon Pokéball Plus


Apple Imperialist
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
What?s your opinion on this new Nintendo Switch controller. Do you like it or not?

I chose the more expensive pre-order (the one with the Pok?ball Plus) because I thought it was cool before I learned that you can get Mew with it. But after the game came, I used it as my primary controller. It?s not only a regular controller like the old Gameboy controls, but it also makes a simulator of catching Pok?mon in real life. I even used the Pok?ball Plus to turn on my TV (since turning on the Nintendo Switch hooked to a TV and activating a controller automatically turns on a TV). I didn?t realize that it was another controller until I started playing it.
I don't have a switch, or the pokeball plus by extension, but anything that let's me reliably play a game with one hand is a huge plus by me

though I must ask: does it work while in handheld mode?
I don't have a switch, or the pokeball plus by extension, but anything that let's me reliably play a game with one hand is a huge plus by me

though I must ask: does it work while in handheld mode?

I haven’t tried it yet, but every time you start the game, you are given an option between four controllers: The left joy-con, the right joy-con, the Pok?ball Plus, and the handheld form. But you can use motion controllers while the Switch is detatched from the TV. It’s just going to be more annoying.
I think the Pok?ball Plus is a must have with this game. It’s just so perfect and fun to use, plus I used to adore my Pok?walker so the fact that I can use it as one is a huuuggeee plus for me.
I just got my Switch yesterday (my mother had been holding it until I finished NaNoWriMo), so I haven't had a chance to unbox it yet. One of my coworkers already has the console, and we talked about the Let's Go games. He got Pikachu, but I've decided on Eevee. I ordered the version with the ball, because I want Mew. Plus, like others have said, the idea of being able to play a little more realistically is a fun idea.