Pokémon Pokemon Art Project


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2018
A week or two ago, I saw a cool video on Reddit of someone painting over Pokemon cards. I have a little brother (via Big Brothers Big Sisters of America) and thought it would be a neat art project for us to get together and paint.

I'm mostly posting this here because I saw a guy post a picture of the Machop card in another thread and wanted to link this. But since it is here, which one is your favorite? Can you guess the order in which I painted them?

Oh wow, this is awesome! Never heard of Pokemon cards being used like this before. I think Gloom is my favorite. Was the order Sandshrew, Nidoran, Gloom, and then Machop?
Thanks for the kind words. I am definitely not an artist, but it was really fun to sit down and paint for a bit!

Nidoran was the first one that I did. Sandshrew was the second (and turned out my favorite, personally). Gloom was third (I kind of gave up on it once the floral path got a little too gross) and Machop was the last one that I did (most of my friends think that one is the best one of the group).

There is a used toy store nearby that sells Pokemon cards really cheap, so I picked up a stack of maybe 50 of them...so expect to see some more in the future! Maybe I'll update this if people are interested.
Thanks for the kind words. I am definitely not an artist, but it was really fun to sit down and paint for a bit!

Nidoran was the first one that I did. Sandshrew was the second (and turned out my favorite, personally). Gloom was third (I kind of gave up on it once the floral path got a little too gross) and Machop was the last one that I did (most of my friends think that one is the best one of the group).

There is a used toy store nearby that sells Pokemon cards really cheap, so I picked up a stack of maybe 50 of them...so expect to see some more in the future! Maybe I'll update this if people are interested.

Yeah, I know I for one would definitely be interested in seeing more of the cards painted! Have fun painting them with your little bro! :)
I love these! It sounds like a lot of fun to paint over pokemon cards. I really like your work :)
First of all, I think it's great that you're a Big Brother. I have childhood friends that had Big Brothers who really meant a lot to them & helped them become the good men they are today. In fact they still keep in touch.

Second, these are adorable! I think this sounds like a great idea for your little brother & you to do together. I'd definitely like to see more of what the two of you paint. (If you ever come across a Mimikyu & paint that I'd really love to see it.) Have fun painting!
First of all, I think it's great that you're a Big Brother. I have childhood friends that had Big Brothers who really meant a lot to them & helped them become the good men they are today. In fact they still keep in touch.

Thanks, all for the kind words. I'll be sure to update a few more along the way as I hone my skill. I don't know which one I am tackling next, but Dewgong is on the short list for future paintings!

For those of you who have the time to support the program, becoming a Big Brother/Big Sister is a very fulfilling experience and I highly recommend it.
I also have seen a video of this and thought it looked cool. I like how your cards came out. I have some duplicates of Pok?mon cards. Maybe I will try this some time. It looks very fun.
Wow this is super cool! I think your Gloom card is my favorite, even though I actually love all of them <3 I wish I had the patience/skills to do something like this!
Thanks! I know there are a few vendors online who sell these sorts of things. If I improve my skill (or, you know, stick with it a bit), maybe I'll sell a few as well!
Thanks! I know there are a few vendors online who sell these sorts of things. If I improve my skill (or, you know, stick with it a bit), maybe I'll sell a few as well!

Maybe your little brother & you can pick a special event (concert, etc.) or place (zoo, theme park) you'd like to go to together & the two of you could raise the money for it by selling the cards you paint? I'd love to see how each of you paint Mimikyu. I'd buy both cards - especially since I know the money would be going to the two of you.
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