Pokemon Breeding Services <3I


W a s h
Jun 18, 2013
Throwback Tickets
User Title Color Change
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Red Cosmos
100% (68) +
I am willing to start up a breeding service for tbt bells~

I can breed for Black and White games only!

I can breed any pokemon, but I only have some dream world pokemon, so if you are looking for a pokemon dream world ability I might not have it, but you can provide your own and I'll trade it back after breeding is done :)

Depending on the IV's requested, moves, nature and ability prices will vary :)

Format for order:
Pokemon -
Ability -
IV's (don't ask for something CRAZY like all 31 Iv's, you can also put an hidden power you want here) -
Egg Moves -

Thank you :)
Just wondering I know this is unbreedable but will you be willing to trade reshiram for TBT bells? Thanks!
Yes it does, I'll get to work on getting you one~ write on my wall so I can remember :) Do you have a perfered nature?
I thought this Pokemon wasn't breedable? I don't care about nature, and also I only want legitly obtained Pokemon by the way, thanks! Also if you have a Mew from an event or wherever may I buy that for 4000 TBT bells?
Be sure it isn't hacked. Ask for pokecheck verification. Not to assume anything on the owner of this thread but most "breeders" on sites outside of pokemon forums just take the easy way out. For easy and quick income.
You can get perfect IVs if you take the time to RNG abuse

Correct, but RNG isn't technically hacked. It's legal for tourneys to use RNG'd pokemon since zero 3rd party programs are used to do it.

In the pkmn community the legitimacy of RNGing is highly controversial regardless, There are some who refuse to accept anything that may have been RNG'd, and there's others who wholeheartedly accept it. It's at the buyers discretion really. As a breeder I stay neutral on it. A few of my pokemon when checked will state that there's a possibility of it being RNG'd, but that's only because of how good my pokemon turn out. I see the mark as a pat on the back to produce quality pokemon that are so good that they come up in that manner.

And no, I do not RNG. :3
So, if I buy the mew and reshiram from you, can you do a pokecheck on both? Thanks.
I won't do Mew because I don't have a spare, but I'll do a check on Reshiram :) I might get one from the global link trade because I am getting rid of a shiny rhyron on their and its level 100 and ev'd so someone might give up a reshiram for it.
Ok cool, thanks! Also do you have any extra shiny Pokemon you would be willing to sell?
I do but they are ev'd and lv 100 so they will cost more :)
I'll make a list right now and pm it to you :)
I don't even know what RNG is xD

It's complicated when you delve deep into it, however here's a description

RNG abuse, also referred to as RNG manipulation, is a procedure that manipulates the pseudorandom number generator in the main series games to obtain a desired Pok?mon. It is commonly used to obtain Shiny Pok?mon, Pok?mon with high individual values, Pok?mon with a specific set of individual values that yield a particular Hidden Power output (regarding Type and/or move Power), or Pok?mon with certain Natures.
As the initial seed is predictable, the "random" numbers are predictable as well. Pok?mon Emerald's initial seed is always 0. The Generation IV and V games use the Nintendo DS's date, time, and delay between starting the game and pressing "Continue" to generate the initial seed.
The random number generator is used to determine a Pok?mon's personality value and individual values when it is encountered or received. After the initial seed is discovered, the player can control a Pok?mon's characteristics with frame-precise timing. There are several methods used to create a Pok?mon's characteristics — for instance, a bred Pok?mon and a stationary wild Pok?mon's characteristics are generated through different methods.
There are some limitations. As a player's Trainer ID and Secret ID numbers determine a Pok?mon's shininess, Shiny Pok?mon generated through certain methods can only have certain individual values. Also, it is not possible to manipulate the Nature of a Pok?mon obtained through a Wonder Card.
In the Pok?mon fandom, RNG abuse is slightly controversial. Proponents note that RNG abuse does not require a third-party device and that the Pok?mon obtained through RNG abuse can be obtained through normal gameplay. In addition, Pok?mon obtained through RNG abuse have been used at the Video Game Championships, an official tournament. However, some players believe that RNG abuse is cheating, as the action of picking a Pok?mon's characteristics is similar to using a cheating device.