Thanks for adding me!
I started the Platinum Nuzlocke this morning, and am currently on Route 202, training my three current Pokemon to level 8 before moving onto Jubilife.
EDIT: After training a bit, I fought my rival, who was, out of tradition, named Tyson. Considering that I barely defeated him in the first battle against him, it went surprisingly smoothly. Freya and Vel worked well together to take it down, whereas Calla quickly destroyed his Piplup. I tried to capture my first (non-dupe) encounter on this route, an Abra, but unfortunately, it teleported away. T_T Shame... a Psychic type would have been great. I got to Oreburgh City and started to train my Pok?mon for the gym. Right now, I have my full team of six, but I'm not sure whether or not I want to store Luca the Geodude for now.
My team is currently:
Cojiro (Monferno), level 14
Freya (Starly), level 13
Vel (Shinx), level 11
Calla (Budew), level 14
Luca (Geodude), level 11
Retrospect (Zubat), level 11
Boxed 'mons are:
Aveil (Bidoof), level 3
Vitti (Magikarp), level 6
Tersel (Machop), level 5
I also started my Sapphire run a few minutes ago, and fought my rival. So far, however, my catches haven't been desirable, so I'm putting them on reserve and just using Kappa the Mudkip until I can find something better.
Kappa (Mudkip), level 8
Riptide (Zigzagoon), level 3
Kyle (Poochyena), level 3
Compound (Wurmple), level 3