Pokémon Pokémon Companions may not be a removed concept. But one not added yet!


Oreo Ursine
Dec 14, 2015
New Horizons Token
Yellow Candy
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Tasty Cake
Ancient Candle
After people found files of sprite animation of all Pok?mon walking and running, people assumed it was removed content from Sun and Moon, and instead will instead be saved for the Switch version. But are we postive that's right and not just something that's a future update?

I might be wrong. But I feel like this might be something that's still meant to be part of the game actually when Pok?mon Bank becomes compatible with Sun and Moon, they've just chosen to wait until all +700 Pok?mon become usable in game as it'd be silly to only add some and leave the rest out. There's clearly gonna have to be some kind of update to the game that we'll have to download when January comes around, since we'll have to have access to the rest of the Mega stones that aren't obtainable at the moment, it's possible Pok?mon companions is just a future update. What're your thoughts?
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This would actually make sense, but it doesn't seem plausible...why would there be mega evolution overworld walking/running sprites? It isn't the original Pok?mons original form and isn't displayed in your party, which was the case with Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
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I read it as champions at first and I was so confused...

Anyways I really do hope that it is in a future update and not on the switch since there is no chance of me getting it.
I always did think a "Pokemon Stars" wouldn't make sense to be on the switch. They'd have to update all the graphics, and the lack of a touch screen would cause problems when porting it. If ACNL showed us anything, it's that Nintendo isn't afraid to make big updates rather than new games (I understand it's GameFreak that's in control, but still) so I do think that an update with Pokemon companions could be likely.
The game barely runs on 3ds so I highly doubt this is the case.

I always did think a "Pokemon Stars" wouldn't make sense to be on the switch. They'd have to update all the graphics, and the lack of a touch screen would cause problems when porting it. If ACNL showed us anything, it's that Nintendo isn't afraid to make big updates rather than new games (I understand it's GameFreak that's in control, but still) so I do think that an update with Pokemon companions could be likely.
Sun/Moon is essentially a single screen game compared to xy, so I don't think they'd have problems moving it to switch. Also gamefreak is very much not Nintendo, so I seriously doubt they would make such a big update to the game when they know they could easily use it as a selling point for a third version, even if it ends up being for 3ds. I mean gamefreak didn't even patch xy to be able to battle oras's new forms, so an actual content update would be a surprise.