After people found files of sprite animation of all Pok?mon walking and running, people assumed it was removed content from Sun and Moon, and instead will instead be saved for the Switch version. But are we postive that's right and not just something that's a future update?
I might be wrong. But I feel like this might be something that's still meant to be part of the game actually when Pok?mon Bank becomes compatible with Sun and Moon, they've just chosen to wait until all +700 Pok?mon become usable in game as it'd be silly to only add some and leave the rest out. There's clearly gonna have to be some kind of update to the game that we'll have to download when January comes around, since we'll have to have access to the rest of the Mega stones that aren't obtainable at the moment, it's possible Pok?mon companions is just a future update. What're your thoughts?
I might be wrong. But I feel like this might be something that's still meant to be part of the game actually when Pok?mon Bank becomes compatible with Sun and Moon, they've just chosen to wait until all +700 Pok?mon become usable in game as it'd be silly to only add some and leave the rest out. There's clearly gonna have to be some kind of update to the game that we'll have to download when January comes around, since we'll have to have access to the rest of the Mega stones that aren't obtainable at the moment, it's possible Pok?mon companions is just a future update. What're your thoughts?
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