Junior Member
I need either tm focus punch or drain punch.
also i would like to have a totodile, that would be nice
also i would like to have a totodile, that would be nice
Probs inside the mine. Check outside aswell.AnimalLetsgotomyplace said:ok, but is the oreburgh gate in or outside the mine?
i dunno if ive taken focus punch
But what bout Pokemon Plat.?Little Miss said:I have Pearl, Mystery Dungeon, Ruby and some others.Saying of which, I might go get them TMs now for my Mr Mime.
Hee hee...even though I named her Mrs Mime.
I've been playing for a year and my time is 999:99Adds1028 said:my bro has dat game. hes benn playin it for 232 hours! hes only had it for like 14 months. lolll
Ok i hve it 2 but im not obsessed with it. i only been playing 4 like 56 hours. he he he he he.
I'll trade you.QNT3N said:I can breed you a totodile.
Also, anyone have a charmander?
I'll trade for totodile.