Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

20,000 post!

edit: Damn you Bidoof! RAWR!
edit2:Well this is the 20,000th not including the OP!

Click my eggs!
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2001 pages, guys!

It'd be funny if we made to the 2012th page, then someone closes this thread.

Lol, get it?
There, I made my post at the top off the page relevant.

As well as this one, click my eggs please!
There, I made my post at the top off the page relevant.

As well as this one, click my eggs please!
Eggs? what eggs? you've only got a Feraligatr...

Yes multiplier tomorrow :)

lol turned GPX Pink for Valentines Day :)
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So was that other guys post... Now shh.

Oh flippin' dicks, sight!!! It doesn't take 5 minutes to reset :\

Off to tennis I go then to come back and click :)

You look to your feet, and find a Heart Sweets . Congratulations!

Never knew that was possible :S
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Oh and TBD Task 3: Have 500 people feed Snorlax the Aspear Berry.
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GOD DAMN IT!! CLICK MY FAT SNORLAX!! also I thought that Snorlax had the Thick Fat ability which stops it being frozen? :S
When they mean it only lasts a day, do they mean you lose the dowsing machine after one day?

It means it lasts until reset. So use it after reset so it lasts 24 hours.

And nook, no i'm not mad, because unlike you, I can actually be ****ed to click.

And then you get mad at me because I look down at you and lol at your stupidness on GPX (;

And when you've got all summonable legends, then you can boast.
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