Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Nigel said:
Jake. said:
DarthGohan1 said:
I went back to the site for the first time in months today. Click me and I'll click you.
Yay I have missed you here lol.

And Punjabi/God/Nigel. Is the "Dowsing Machine" in your party just a PokeRadar, but was jsut updated to be replaced with a Dowsing Machine?
No its a new item they gave out to a few people. It allows you to spot shiny pokemon eggs in the shelter and daycare. Only works for one day though.
Ohh I want. know how I get one?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
Nigel said:
Jake. said:
DarthGohan1 said:
I went back to the site for the first time in months today. Click me and I'll click you.
Yay I have missed you here lol.

And Punjabi/God/Nigel. Is the "Dowsing Machine" in your party just a PokeRadar, but was jsut updated to be replaced with a Dowsing Machine?
No its a new item they gave out to a few people. It allows you to spot shiny pokemon eggs in the shelter and daycare. Only works for one day though.
Ohh I want. know how I get one?
Yeah there's this step by step task they made for you to get one, its called Victory Road.
1. Abandon all pokemon that are classified as "Very Rare" at a time that is convenient for Nigel.
2. Sell all items and then buy as many water stone's as you can.
3. Send Wysmy a message begging for one.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Waah? *confused face*

*releases Very Rare Pokemon*

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Nigel said:
Jake. said:
Waah? *confused face*

*releases Very Rare Pokemon*


I did what you told me to do?
Now to buy those Water Stones. Bought 5. So I now have a total of six.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Re:Dowsing Machine, Jun 2 2010, 06:26 PM
Hey Wysmy, I have done the "Victory Road" Method. I released all my "Very Rare Pokemon" And bought 5 Water Stones (Is that enough) so now I need to ask you for a Dowsing Machine.

Why would you send a PM begging for an item that you don't even deserve... I havn't a clue on how you thought of this 'Victory Road Method", and for being a begger I hope you enjoy your warn.
I don't get it. Oh I forgot to sell my items...
But then why did Wymsy say how I thought of the VR method? I am confused :'( Bye-bye legends.

fdhfgghjkghjkgktur Nice time for you to go offline Nigel :mad:

Well, since I jsut lost all my legends GPX is basicly useless *releaes everything else*
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

wow, I didn't think you'd actually buy it.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Nigel said:
wow, I didn't think you'd actually buy it.
I think he might be lying. Even though his PC displays no Pokemon, this could mean that he's simply hidden all his boxes. This is corroborated by the fact that he has not released his Ditto, and hidden his "Released Pokemon" so we can't see whether or not he's released them.

Or maybe not. He's released 188 Pokemon today. And it turns out the DowsingMCHN is just a renamed PokeRadar.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Can someone sell a fire stone or buy one and then sell it?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Ouch Nigel, that was cold.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

crazyredd45 said:
how do i evolve my pokemon in GPX
When there ready to Evolve, the option bar will be BOLD go down to press EVOLVE POKEMON or CHANGE FORM if your changing a form of a different pokemon. some you may need to go to your dex to see what they need to evolve.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

lol i feel bad.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

[Nook said:
,Jun 2 2010, 11:53:31 PM]
Nigel said:
lol i feel bad.
Why? Because someone just got a Shiny Shellderboy?
no coz i made a joke with jake but he took it seriously.
Let that be a lesson, never take me seriously