Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

clicked. plz click back :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Click please.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
Missed Charmsnder Clone ):
i missed a dracowymsy egg. it was right in my face at shelter and i clicked the moment it loaded and hey look someone else got it :'(
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Just got a zergoose egg and valentacool from shelter. At the same time :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Am i lucky

My slime slugma eggs hatched into a normal slime slugma and a shiny one
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Keep finding Dracowymsys and stuff now :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

need more clicking X-)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I got a Claw Fossil from the Underground. How do I revive it?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

MrCrazyDavis said:
I got a Claw Fossil from the Underground. How do I revive it?
go to your inventory and click "use"
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Got my zimbidofo at last! It was either that or the enigma stone.... I picked Zimbidofo :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Enigma Stones suck.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
Enigma Stones suck.
I saw it and I was like "Zimbidofo or Stone...."

Then I heard your wise words saying "Sanji....Sanji...Run to dagobar"

And I knew I had to get Zimbidofo.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

What does an enigma stone do exactly?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Click or I shall send the evil flying monkeys to rip your eyes out!
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

John102 said:
What does an enigma stone do exactly?
summons a random legendary
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I bought a box.