Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Fillfall said:
The drop is now, but he isn't online. xD
I hope you're including time zones otherwise he doesn't care much.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Should I sell my Magma Rock or use it? I need the points, but I don't have Heatran yet.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

You get some achivements for summoning it so I say you should keep it.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

MrCrazyDavis said:
Should I sell my Magma Rock or use it? I need the points, but I don't have Heatran yet.
If you do decide to sell, could you sell it at a time I'm available?
I need a Magma rock.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

My profit is about 3000 points today due to winning a bunch of Vs. Seeker battles.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Nigel said:
MrCrazyDavis said:
Should I sell my Magma Rock or use it? I need the points, but I don't have Heatran yet.
If you do decide to sell, could you sell it at a time I'm available?
I need a Magma rock.
Me too buddy :) But I have 2 Enigma's and a Grecious. So you can have it.

Shaymin get :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Nook said:
My profit is about 3000 points today due to winning a bunch of Vs. Seeker battles.
I'm too scared to do one of those. I'm debating whether to put in primal dialga or feraligatr.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

i won 1 battle out of 3. need items, no money
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I always put in Spiritombs and Sabeleye and since they have no weakness they always come out winners :S
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
I always put in Spiritombs and Sabeleye and since they have no weakness they always come out winners :S
ghost are weak against: dark, psychic, ghost
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

They are Ghost/Dark.

And also my Shaymin battled a Cranidos and lost. So I don't think super effectiveness counts?

[quote author="Best Pok
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
They are Ghost/Dark.

And also my Shaymin battled a Cranidos and lost. So I don't think super effectiveness counts?

[quote author="Best Pok
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I'm just trying to find "Most shinies bred" stats
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
I'm just trying to find "Most shinies bred" stats
There isn't one.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

I know. I thought there might be then I saw you.

Ohh I finally understand what Nigel's doing : D

Oi kiddies. Get raping that Lab. I want to summon.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

What's Heatrans egg description? I need to know it as I'm gonna summon it, and if I don't get it I want a TBT member to get it.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Well my limit is over. Give me a few shakes of a lambs tail and I will find the description.
Or the lab will most likely get emptied today. So you could wait until it is empty to summon it (Like I am)

Heatran - A grey egg that is shiny like steel. It has bizarre markings and two dark red spots. It's often hard to approach due to radiating an incredible amount of heat.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

When are the June Achievements and events coming?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Thanks Jake :)

I can't be bothered waiting, summoning it now. If I don't get it one of you two HAS to get it =P