Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
Mass Click. It should take maximum a week. I can do 1,000-1,500 in a 30 minutes, but TBT God-Nigel-could do like heaps more than100 (I mean a LOT more) in a minute! that is why Nigel is God.

Yay :)

I really need to get back into GPX, 5 months ago I was in the top 100, now I'm in the top 2,000...
no but i have to get them in one day
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Yeah. It would take about a week so you practice every day. Then by the end of the week you should be able to do it easy.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Anytime, now gimme a click!
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

[Nook said:
,Nov 20 2010, 11:08:10 AM]

Is that notched ear pichu? I'm on my PSP and have images turned off.

Nvm on my PC now
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Click please.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Click please.

And Nook I just noticed you can unlock the "Treasure Hunter" achievement.

Cool Dialga and Heatran from shelter :)
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Click me? Soon as I finished the Notch Ear Exploration, I begin the Regigigas one. :p
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Need another Onix in lvl 35+
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

You know what, guys?

All of the explorations' requirements are related to interactions.
There's other stuff people tend to do on GPX+, you know.

Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

They're achievement and Dex entries?
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

click my groudon please

well done jake. for going to members 9
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

crazyredd45 said:
click my groudon please

well done jake. for going to members 9
Why thank you. Now I shall click you to show my gratitude.
Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Jake. said:
They're achievement and Dex entries?
I hate the high achievement ones. :L Glad I'm working on some though.