Pokemon Eggs, Dragon Eggs Storage!Put them here and people will click!

Cool :)

I got 2 Enigma Stones.

Kinda over them, though
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I like Victini :3

Gonna do the 3 Chatot and get Articuno :)

Which one is everyone else gonna do?

Lol Shiny Bidoof, like a 2 hour Shiny Hunt xD

Now I need a Hoothoot...
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nomnomnomnomnomnom http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?57129-Jake-s-GPX-shop&p=1173427#post1173427

So lucky I got a head start on this exploration, Task 7 is Obtain 3 Houndour from the Safari Zone... That's gonna be so hard later...

Did Singing Chatot exploration. 19th to do it :)

20,091 interactions today. Probably wont be doing much more.

*angry face* just saw a Mesprit in the lab, had a full party, oh well I've already got it.

Well look at that, you stalk the Lab for a Electrike egg, but get 2 Unown instead. Kinda makes up for not being able to get Mesprit..
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nomnomnomnomnomnom http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?57129-Jake-s-GPX-shop&p=1173427#post1173427

So lucky I got a head start on this exploration, Task 7 is Obtain 3 Houndour from the Safari Zone... That's gonna be so hard later...

Did Singing Chatot exploration. 19th to do it :)

20,091 interactions today. Probably wont be doing much more.

*angry face* just saw a Mesprit in the lab, had a full party, oh well I've already got it.

Well look at that, you stalk the Lab for a Electrike egg, but get 2 Unown instead. Kinda makes up for not being able to get Mesprit..

Mesprit isn't summonable....right?