Senior Member
okay so just the male eevee then?
And a mew if you've got one. Any one is fine, I'm not picky.
okay so just the male eevee then?
alright! adding you
yes 200 tbt and trade me anything
I'd like to add these please
Tornadus(Kor) O5142 (Kor) Mild Unova YES
Thundurus(Kor) O5142 (Kor) Timid Unova YES
Tangrowth(Kor) 10O38 (Kor) Brave Sinnoh YES Pikachu Cafe
Jirachi(Kor) O8014 (Jap) Modest Kalos YES 8/2 PC tohoku tanabata shiny jirachi w/ moon blast
Jirachi(Eng) O8014 (Jap) Naive Kalos YES 8/2 PC tohoku tanabata shiny jirachi w/ moon blast
So 1k total including the ones I ordered yesterday.
Alright Np
Would you be able to trade now?
I cannot trade atm. I might be free in about an hour though
hey! lmk when your free again!Ok, let's trade then.
haven't used these forums in a while so i thought i'd spend the tbt i still have on some pokemon, if you still have them available
Pokemon (s):
Shiny Vulpix(F) Lv.23 6iv Timid Drought Hex, energy ball, flamethrower, and dark pulse Pokeball
Shiny Chimecho (F) Lv.51 Modest Levitate 31-31-31-31-31-31 Moon ball Safeguard, cosmic power, heal pulse, extrasensory
200 tbt
Hi! I do have those avaliable but i will not be able to trade today or tmr
Jirachi(Jap) O8013 (Jap) Adamant Unova YES Tanabata Fest. (6iv)