Pokemon Platinum Adventures


Fairy Queen from Majesty
Aug 30, 2015
Throwback Tickets
I actually remembered to post a new blog...proud of myself XD Just talked with my boyfriend, and he said he didn't mean the things he said, and that he was sorry. I wasn't completely satisfied with it, but things could have been a lot worse. I know this might sound mean of me, but I hope he feels bad about it. What he said was really sour, and completely unneccessary.

Anyway...I've been trying to get more ribbons in order to join the Ribbon Sindicate. I've heard its a real pain to join...>_< well, I've got nothing else to do in that game pretty much so why the heck not XD

The contests were practically forgotten until now. Poffins were like my jam a month or so ago, but then i concentrated on battling, catching legendaries, and hunting for shinies in preperation for Pokemon X. The first 2 parts of the contest (Visual and Dancing) are a breeze, can beat them in my sleep...it's just the Acting part that always gets me. Either my pokemon does not know the right moves, or has a different flavor prefrence, or whatever. Maybe I should start breeding for contests...that might net me some more ribbons than using my pokemon mainly used for battle.

I hope i accomplish everything before having to return the game. Chances are i won't be able to borrow any more games from her unless i have a car to travel in (her mom is kinda strict about game borrowing and does not want to drive all the way to my house...i live kinda far). That sucks, because she's got all the cool games and such ;-; Well, once i get a job I'll be able to start buying my own awesome games when they come out and I'll finally have some bragging rights XD

There's been something that came to mind. I like to write stories. Fictional stories. I wonder what would happen if i started typing and posting some on here? Would you guys even read them? I'm a bit rusty now that I haven't picked up a pen in years XD but I think I would enjoy picking it up again. If you guys would like to see something like that, let me know. I probably won't do it if no one will even read it, but maybe I will anyway, I don't know XD

And in case you are wondering, I write fictional stories that are basically fantasies. I love fairies, and i have a whole group of OCs (original characters) that I'm constructing bit by bit. I also write fanfictions that are like huge crossovers. Only problem is that I don't really write the characters like they should be...for example, I used to have Shadow the Hedgehog in my fanfictions, but he seemed WAY off from how everyone knows him, and I'm pretty sure people will hate that. ;-; So I think I'll stick with my OCs.

So if anyone would like to see something like this happen, I'll try my best for you. :)