Pokémon Pokémon Snap Release Date & Trailer

Miss Misty

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Mar 21, 2020
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April 30th!

Yooo is anyone else super hyped? I grew up on the original Pokémon Snap, so I am super excited for this! There've been 7 whole generations of Pokémon released since the original so I'm really hoping we get more & longer levels! Gah now I want to go back and replay the original but I don't know where my copy is 😭
so i saw this trailer earlier and tbh i don't really get it
like i've never heard of pokemon snap before, is it really just taking pictures or is there more to it?
I also grew up with the original snap so I am personally HYPED for the new pokemon snap ❤ I'm also really hoping there will be more levels as well bc the last game was short (although you could replay the levels). The pokemon character models look much better than the SwSh ones and the whole game just looks beautiful in my eyes!! I hope it's worth the $60 price tag, it seems a bit steep but it is a pokemon game..
I haven't played the original so I have nothing to compare it to. Graphics look great! I wonder how many Pokemon will be in the game.

Side note though, god they suck at naming. "New Pokemon Snap." Really?
Really excited for this! I grew up playing the original and this looks like a really good addition in the series from what has been shown so far.

so i saw this trailer earlier and tbh i don't really get it
like i've never heard of pokemon snap before, is it really just taking pictures or is there more to it?

That is the whole basis of the game, yeah, but it's more to do with how you go about each course. There are hidden puzzles / secrets all while you're stuck on the rails so you're sort of racing against the clock to figure out how to take the best special pictures. It's way more fun than it sounds, I'd recommend checking out some of the original N64 playthroughs on YouTube if you're interested :- ).
Excited for a Q1 release! I loved the original Pokemon Snap and was beyond hyped when I saw this first announced during the Direct. The environments look fantastic and this is definitely going to be my go-to chill game! :love:
Side note though, god they suck at naming. "New Pokemon Snap." Really?
Haha, I laughed when I saw that too. It's fitting and not wrong, but still!
As soon as I saw this, I plunked my money down for the pre-order (electronically speaking, of course).

I loved the original and still play it, occasionally, but it will be great to have the new graphics, pokemon, and locations.

Let's hope the lack of originality on the name means they put all their efforts into the game. ;)
As soon as I saw this, I plunked my money down for the pre-order (electronically speaking, of course).

I loved the original and still play it, occasionally, but it will be great to have the new graphics, pokemon, and locations.

Let's hope the lack of originality on the name means they put all their efforts into the game. ;)
On the brightside, couldn't be worse than sw/sh lol
so i saw this trailer earlier and tbh i don't really get it
like i've never heard of pokemon snap before, is it really just taking pictures or is there more to it?
Pokémon Snap was one of the many side games that came out for the N64 alongside generation 1. Yeah, you do "just" take pictures, but it's a fun and relaxing experience. It's a rails "shooter" where you go through various levels and take pictures of Pokémon just kind of existing in their natural habitat. Like @Peter said, each level has more beneath the surface than you see on your first run-through. The more Pokémon you take pictures of and the higher your score gets (you get graded on how good the photos turn out), the more upgrades you can unlock, which allow you to go through the levels again and unlock new paths and new Pokémon.

The most fun part for me was always using the bait to put multiple Pokémon together and just see how they interact together. Some fight, some play, some do weird dances, some water Pokémon will synchronized swim. It's very much a game that rewards experimentation from the perspective of 'I wonder what happens if I use x item on y Pokémon', because pretty much every item + Pokémon or Pokémon + Pokémon combo exists.

I also grew up with the original snap so I am personally HYPED for the new pokemon snap ❤ I'm also really hoping there will be more levels as well bc the last game was short (although you could replay the levels). The pokemon character models look much better than the SwSh ones and the whole game just looks beautiful in my eyes!! I hope it's worth the $60 price tag, it seems a bit steep but it is a pokemon game..
I think they did about as much as they could with the first game considering there were only the original 151 to choose from. I'm excited to see how they integrate the almost-1000 they have to choose from now. Meganium having a sort of featured role in the trailer straight-up tells us that they aren't sticking just to SwSh Pokémon. Honestly I was expecting Mew from how the character reacted before Meganium came out, but I guess we'll just have to see what the 'special' Pokémon is/are.

I haven't played the original so I have nothing to compare it to. Graphics look great! I wonder how many Pokemon will be in the game.

Side note though, god they suck at naming. "New Pokemon Snap." Really?
Considering it's been over 20 years, I think they missed the boat for calling it Pokémon Snap 2 😂 and re-using just Pokémon Snap would have caused confusion.
The most fun part for me was always using the bait to put multiple Pokémon together and just see how they interact together. Some fight, some play, some do weird dances, some water Pokémon will synchronized swim. It's very much a game that rewards experimentation from the perspective of 'I wonder what happens if I use x item on y Pokémon', because pretty much every item + Pokémon or Pokémon + Pokémon combo exists.
not gonna lie, that sounds pretty fun now i'm convinced to buy it lol
The nostalgia hit me hard in that trailer. The graphics are amazing. It will be great taking pics in the various environments. Glad they included the mons of later gens and not just the original 151. It will be even more exciting with all the possibilities!
Very hyped.

Side note though, god they suck at naming. "New Pokemon Snap." Really?
I'm starting to develop a strong distaste for Nintendo's insistence on using the word "New" in everything.
  • New Super Mario Bros
  • New 3DS
  • New 3DS XL
  • New 2DS
  • New 2DS XL
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • New Pokémon Snap
I sometimes have difficulty finding information on New Leaf, because it's buried under more current information regarding New Horizons. I do understand that numbered sequels present an inherent risk of forcing the game to live up to the name of the original, but come on.
Very hyped.

I'm starting to develop a strong distaste for Nintendo's insistence on using the word "New" in everything.
  • New Super Mario Bros
  • New 3DS
  • New 3DS XL
  • New 2DS
  • New 2DS XL
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • New Pokémon Snap
I sometimes have difficulty finding information on New Leaf, because it's buried under more current information regarding New Horizons. I do understand that numbered sequels present an inherent risk of forcing the game to live up to the name of the original, but come on.
i never actually noticed this before tbh
it's gonna be pretty weird in like 30 years looking back on a "new" 3ds 😂
Very hyped.

I'm starting to develop a strong distaste for Nintendo's insistence on using the word "New" in everything.
  • New Super Mario Bros
  • New 3DS
  • New 3DS XL
  • New 2DS
  • New 2DS XL
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • New Pokémon Snap
I sometimes have difficulty finding information on New Leaf, because it's buried under more current information regarding New Horizons. I do understand that numbered sequels present an inherent risk of forcing the game to live up to the name of the original, but come on.
New Leaf and New Horizons are both common phrases, but I get what you mean.

I dunno if 'living up to the original' is a major worry of theirs with Snap now, though, considering how old the original is. There are a lot of fully grown 18 year olds who never even played the original (don't worry, I felt just as old typing that) Like I said, I think the reason they didn't go numbered is because the first is so old and so difficult to get a hold of. Calling it Pokémon Snap 2 would make people think they need to play Pokémon Snap 1. New Pokémon Snap makes it sound like its own thing, and that you can get away with just playing it instead of needing to play the old Pokémon Snap.
I've never played the original Pokemon Snap because I didn't have an N64, but I've watched a playthough of it on youtube and was absolutely MESMERIZED with the gameplay. I watch every angle there was to the game, including all the hidden secrets and stuff, and I'm just stoked I can finally play the new game for myself on a new console I own. I'm super duper excited!

I should go rewatch the gameplay since it's been a while and I've forgotten most of the details to it, but I'm super super hyped. I might pre-order it when I get some more money, but right now it looks like I'll just patiently wait for release date :")
Very hyped.

I'm starting to develop a strong distaste for Nintendo's insistence on using the word "New" in everything.
  • New Super Mario Bros
  • New 3DS
  • New 3DS XL
  • New 2DS
  • New 2DS XL
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • New Pokémon Snap
I sometimes have difficulty finding information on New Leaf, because it's buried under more current information regarding New Horizons. I do understand that numbered sequels present an inherent risk of forcing the game to live up to the name of the original, but come on.
I'm not good at naming things either but it's like they're not even trying at this point. "New" worked well so I guess they've stuck with it. Don't fix what ain't broke I suppose.
I think they did about as much as they could with the first game considering there were only the original 151 to choose from. I'm excited to see how they integrate the almost-1000 they have to choose from now. Meganium having a sort of featured role in the trailer straight-up tells us that they aren't sticking just to SwSh Pokémon. Honestly I was expecting Mew from how the character reacted before Meganium came out, but I guess we'll just have to see what the 'special' Pokémon is/are.

yeah that's true! i feel like it should have much more content based off the biomes and the pokemon they showed in the trailers! I love that they're focusing on "less-loved" pokemon on the cover and the trailers, and I really hope it's not too Gen 1 heavy. It'll probably be a day 1 purchase for me but I'm waiting on more reveals before I make the final decision
I've never played the original Pokemon Snap because I didn't have an N64, but I've watched a playthough of it on youtube and was absolutely MESMERIZED with the gameplay. I watch every angle there was to the game, including all the hidden secrets and stuff, and I'm just stoked I can finally play the new game for myself on a new console I own. I'm super duper excited!

I should go rewatch the gameplay since it's been a while and I've forgotten most of the details to it, but I'm super super hyped. I might pre-order it when I get some more money, but right now it looks like I'll just patiently wait for release date :")

If you have any way to get the original Pokemon Snap, I can't recommend it highly enough! Such a fun game.

It's not too long of a game, only 6 or 7 levels, but it has pretty good replay value. You can pick it up anytime and try to beat a high score on any of your Pokemon. It's nice because anyone can pick it up and play and have a good time, but if you really want to aim for the highest possible scores and perfect your shots, it takes a lot of practice.

Figuring out all of the secret bonuses and how to trigger them were pretty fun too.