Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Ugh its so hard trying to catch minior :|
Is it? Not to hard to believe tbh cause everything is a real pain in the ass in this game it seems, like evolving Rockruff, getting Salazzle, catching Mareanie, ect.
Ugh its so hard trying to catch minior :|

Its catch rate changes with its forms. After it shows its core the catch rate changes to 255 (early route Pok?mon catch rate), directly referencing the core's Moon Pok?Dex entry. Bring a Pok?mon with Damp and whittle away at its health to prevent it from using Self-Destruct, or find something that can inflict Paralyze or Sleep.
Wow so a random trainer on one of the routes just used a Z move for no apparent reason. Apparently everyone has a Z ring now lolol.

It's the "Route Kahuna" that can use Z-moves. Some routes have a trainer that will ask you to battle them once you've beat every other trainer on that route before you can battle them, claiming they are the Kahuna or that route. That trainer will be able to use Z moves and gives you a reward once you beat them.
So the new PokeDex entries for mega evolutions are incredibly disturbing.

Here's a few of them:

Aerodactyl(Mega): When it Mega Evolves, it becomes more vicious than ever before. This is because its excess of power and unnatural bonegrowth is causing it constant pain.

Glaile(Mega): The excess energy from Mega Evolution spilled over from its mouth, breaking its jaw. It spews endless blizzards

Gengar (Mega): Mega-Gengar’s relationships are warped. It has no interest in opponents unless it perceives them as prey.

Gyarados(Mega): Mega Evolution also affects its brain, leaving no other function except its destructive instinct to burn everything to cinders.

Salamence(Mega): Mega Evolution fuels its brutality, and it may even turn on the Trainer who raised it. It’s been dubbed “the blood-soaked crescent.”

I wonder if they are trying to paint them in a more negative light so they can get rid of them in the next games?
Yay! I finally played the game! I decided against soft resetting for a shiny Rowlet because the cutscene is actually very very VERY long. I will just use the masuda method for one instead I guess.
ITS THE 23RD 10:41AM
(ignore me i'm just hyping while it's downloading lmao)
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im honestly baffled by ppl who want to waste hours at the start of a game resetting for a shiny starter. like, dont u want to get stuck into the game??? u can always breed and masuda for the shiny starter at a later date if u want it so bad
Ouch good luck with that
Seeing that cutscenes so many times :/ you sure you want to do that?
Yeah, that's the only downside since it's about 2 minutes long :x
But it's worth it to me.

If I don't get one before Sun/Moon has Powersave support, I'll just hack some stuff in.
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does anyone remember where to meet Dexio and Sina after you complete 10% of the zygarde cube? i skipped over it on accident
As much as I like the alolan version of gen 1 I still wanted to see some few more
Like arcanine
Psyduck with his evolution
Magnemite will have also been good and funny(thought magnezone :/)
And maybe a new typing for eevee as in poison or something that we're missing but looking like if it was an actual alola Pokemon :p

Oh well I guess we gotta enjoy the few alolan we have