My Ribombee is modest and she was a great asset to my playthru, so yours should be fine for in game use.
Yup I completed today and yeah there no national dex as for nowHave you guys completed the pokedex already? also the national dex is not available in this game right?
Have you guys completed the pokedex already? also the national dex is not available in this game right?
What's a bug? The egg hatching super fast while running on Tauros or being able to spin in circles in that closed off fence area? If you have a source for that it would also be nice.
a bug is a kind of glitch in the game that changes the way the game plays, it is mostly missed by the game developers until they patch it, or fix it.
a bug is a kind of glitch in the game that changes the way the game plays, it is mostly missed by the game developers until they patch it, or fix it.
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all you need is a pokemon in your party with Flame Body and the Egg in your party and run fast on Tauros.. 60 seconds and it will be hatched.
So you're trying to say egg hatching is a bug? Even without the fence area, riding around on Tauros with Flame Body in your party will hatch an egg in like 60 seconds. The fence is really just a way to hatch without having to run up and down a route.
I completed it almost a week ago and I've been hunting for a shiny Mimikyu through MM ever since. 1,800 eggs and it hasn't hatched yet. :c
Goodluck with the shiny MimikyuI got 2 shiny so far via Masuda method :3
I spent over 3 hours chaining Riolus today and failed. I'm guessing every non-Riolu spawn breaks the chain seeing as I didn't get a shiny. .-. Wasn't a total loss though, my highest went from level 70 to level 80 from all the EXP. The rest of my team leveled way into the 60s.
I couldn't be happier.