Can someone help me with my Magearna? ok so I got a Magearna with 3ivs in Hp, Sp Def, and Def and a not so great speed stat right? so i'm looking for different movesets and all of them require her to be fast but looking at her stats she is more of a bulky mon here was my planned moveset
Magearne @ Leftovers
Ability: Soul Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp Atk/ 4 Def
Modest +Special Attack -Attack
Fleur Cannon
Flash Cannon
Aura sphere/ice beam/energy ball
calm mind
can someone evaluate this moveset?
Your biggest threats are opposing steel, rock and ground types (with earthquake and so on), poison types (which resist all of your suggested moves) and any fire attacker (which will deal heavy damage to you).
I would suggest volt switch to cover water (esp. water+poison like toxapex) and to give you a quick switch out. You may want shift gear over calm mind because the speed boost is insane.Psychicpsybeam is another option but lower in power, although it covers poison and neutrally damages several other types you'll struggle to face.
That's my opinion.
edit: wow, it doesn't learn psychic. That's insane. So psybeam, I suppose.
Look what I got!!!
I can't believe I just did this... but here it is....
Weren't you the one with the shiny Mareanie?I can't believe I just did this... but here it is....
PS, those EVs seem fine if you are running the gear move. Otherwise it'll be too slow to have much benefit.