I just spent all day dumping torchics in Wonder trade, also finally got a 6 iv one q-q
just Breed them. I got a full baby 6 IV team!
They're so cute!! Also strong level 50-100 babies!
I just spent all day dumping torchics in Wonder trade, also finally got a 6 iv one q-q
Whats the best team to use for a competitive noob like me? XD
Is it possible to get a Mew from Pokemon Y/R/B?
I'm breeding a team made of all the Eevee evolutions. It took nearly forever to get an Eevee to evolve into Umbreon. Now I just need Glacieon, Espeon and Jolteon.
Thanks for the awesome advice Jake! I will choose Pok?mon I like :>>
Whats the best team to use for a competitive noob like me? XD
I don't know why but this game seems to have died pretty quickly. But I would like to add that the graphics were amazing.
As were the characters! :')
Would love a sequel tbh. Especially since there is still some things with the characters that need to be covered...Yes! The characters had personality and they were so unique. Nintendo made a very great game indeed. It's sad that it didn't last very long on the internet with all the new things going on, but it was one of the greatest games I've played and I truly enjoyed it.![]()
I don't know why but this game seems to have died pretty quickly. But I would like to add that the graphics were amazing.