Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

I just spent all day dumping torchics in Wonder trade, also finally got a 6 iv one q-q

just Breed them. I got a full baby 6 IV team!

They're so cute!! Also strong level 50-100 babies!
I'm breeding a team made of all the Eevee evolutions. It took nearly forever to get an Eevee to evolve into Umbreon. Now I just need Glacieon, Espeon and Jolteon.
Whats the best team to use for a competitive noob like me? XD

There really isn't any good competitive team to use really, it all comes to balance and counters, and how well you can read your opponent. For example, you could use some of the "best" Pokemon that are currently dominating the meta game right now, such as Toxapex and Alolan Marowak, but they're so common everyone basically has a Pokemom that can knock them out easily. It's often better to use the less common Pokemon so you catch your opponent off guard, since you're not as easily read and they won't know what your next move will be. If I were you, I'd pick some of your favourite Pokemon, and then look at their stats, and their move sets on smogon and see if they're any good. Ideally, your team should have a special attacker, physical attacker, special tank, physical tank, status/set up Pokemon, and then something like a sweeper or stall Pokemon. Honestly, any fully evolved Pokemon can work really well on the right team - it's just all about balance.

Of course, if you really wanted to have a good team, you could just use a team of legendaries and UB's, but IMO a that's not as fun. If you have a few Pokemon in mind that you like and want to see if they're any good competitive wise, I'd be more than happy to look over them and see if they're any good. Whenever I start looking for a new team, I always list out my favroties, and then see which one(s) are the best competitive wise and then go from there. It's an easy way to get started, and also lets you use some of your favorite Pokemon in competitive battling, because if you're like me and have a lot of favourites, there's a good chance that at least one of them will be good competitive wise. I'm not that good at competitive battling myself, but it's something I've wanted to get into so I'm always looking for ways to improve.
Is it possible to get a Mew from Pokemon Y/R/B?

You can get a Mew in RBY via glitches, but you can't actually transfer it to Sun/Moon. There was an event in the UK that allowed players to get a legit Mew in RBY that you could transfer over, but that event is over now, so there isn't a way to get one yet. Though since they gave out the Mew Z-crystal with Pokemon Bank, I assume it's just a matter of time until there's an event for one.
I'm breeding a team made of all the Eevee evolutions. It took nearly forever to get an Eevee to evolve into Umbreon. Now I just need Glacieon, Espeon and Jolteon.

lol I have shiny male glaceon if it wasn't lvl 100 I'd give you him. Umbreon is what I always get :/

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Thanks for the awesome advice Jake! I will choose Pok?mon I like :>>

This guy on YouTube said
And 1 other one you would be able to get through all trials and maybe elite four if trained right.
Whats the best team to use for a competitive noob like me? XD

Like Jake said learning tactics is very important. Some teams are perfect counters to another, but even just one wrong move or bad prediction and you could easily lose.

When an opponent shows their team preview, look it over. Do you see anything that is an obvious lead (a pokemon that is always sent out first)? Is their team mostly attackers, or special attackers? This is why team preview can be one of the most important periods of a battle. For instance, if an enemy team is strong with ground and rock attacks, it is a good idea to leave talonflame and charizard at home.

If you know pokemon well enough, you can look at that porygon2 in team preview and know it will be carrying eviolite (which makes it very strong defensively), and that it most likely runs recover and a special attack set. Do they have lots of very defensive pokemon? Do they have lots of very slow pokemon, so that they might use trick room?

It's all about practice. Over time, you'll see trends. People with aegislash, muk and mimikyu will almost always use shadow sneak, which attacks first. If your pokemon has low HP, then you can almost guarantee that this mimikyu will shadow sneak and kill your pokemon before it can move. Remember these details, and it can save you a horrible defeat in battle. There are hundreds of unique pokemon so it is impossible to give a full range of advice. You just need to run a few battles and work out what pokemon can and can't do.


An addendum -- if you aren't sure what something can or can't do, you can look it up on Bulbapedia or Smogon. Knowing stats can help. For instance, if you are facing Chansey, is it going to absorb special attacks better than physical attacks? Is garchomp going to move faster than gyarados? Those are questions you will want to answer.
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"The Pok?mon Company has spoken about the fact that Mega Stones for various Pok?mon are not currently available. Giving an explanation, it then went on to say that the Mawilite and Beedrillite will be distributed through an entry gift for an Online Competition in late February. It is stated that the other missing Mega Stones will be distributed through similar means as time passes. We'll bring the information for all future Mega Stone distributions as it comes so be sure to keep checking back." http://serebii.net/news/2017/30-January-2017.shtml
Someone killed my main with sheer cold in battle royal, so I wiped his team. Sweet revenge. I hate OHKO moves with a passion. Too cheap for my liking.
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Seriously, why doesn't the battle tree allow use of the power button? The AI difficulty was set way too high, which is why I use the power button sometimes. But they don't allow it. Why?
I don't know why but this game seems to have died pretty quickly. But I would like to add that the graphics were amazing.
As were the characters! :')

Yes! The characters had personality and they were so unique. Nintendo made a very great game indeed. It's sad that it didn't last very long on the internet with all the new things going on, but it was one of the greatest games I've played and I truly enjoyed it. :)
Yes! The characters had personality and they were so unique. Nintendo made a very great game indeed. It's sad that it didn't last very long on the internet with all the new things going on, but it was one of the greatest games I've played and I truly enjoyed it. :)
Would love a sequel tbh. Especially since there is still some things with the characters that need to be covered...

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Looks like pokemon is still good for a few more years :eek: