got pokemon moon at the midnight release! hype hype hype
IT CAN'T LEARN ICE BEAM? It IS an Ice Type is it not!!!??? WHAT IS THIS MOCKERY?
Gotta love Pokemon world logic <3
Idk what Pokemon to use I was gonna use Alolan sandslash but apparently it can't learn ice Beam??????
IT CAN'T LEARN ICE BEAM? It IS an Ice Type is it not!!!??? WHAT IS THIS MOCKERY?
Rip everyone playing already and me getting a physical copy from the store tomorrow bc I hate digital stuff.
Not gonna lie it feels like Christmas morning right now. I woke up early and I'm too excited to get back to sleep because my package is arriving today.
Why would you even want to put Ice Beam on it in the first place when it has a base 25 Sp.Atk and base 100 Attack stat?