Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Right!? When I laid on this one bed in another house, my character mentioned how it smelled sweaty e_e

Haha, nasty! XD It just makes you wonder, like why did the developers or whomever decide that they needed to add that to the game!
Haha, nasty! XD It just makes you wonder, like why did the developers or whomever decide that they needed to add that to the game!

I guess for the laughs!

P.S. Can't find the way to route 7, send help, I miss the old maps

- - - Post Merge - - -

o WAIT, I think I'm back on track lol

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nope, can't find Volcano park. Lost asf, sos

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wait, found it for sure this time!
Sadly my package didn't get here until four so I didn't get to play it today since me and my boyfriend are planning on playing together and he was at work. But tomorrow morning were gunna get all the starters. :)
I have Lapras doing the weirdest donuts in this lake lmao

bought this at midnight on the eshop last night and chose litten but have decided to reset because popplio is so cute to me.

BUT why is everyone wanting a female one??? I can't find the real pictures of it's evolution. what's wrong with the male one? should I reset until I get a female? should I stick with litten in the end?? help me. I just wanna play lmao.

bought this at midnight on the eshop last night and chose litten but have decided to reset because popplio is so cute to me.

BUT why is everyone wanting a female one??? I can't find the real pictures of it's evolution. what's wrong with the male one? should I reset until I get a female? should I stick with litten in the end?? help me. I just wanna play lmao.
Ahem : Its real final evo is a mermaid. And everyone wants a female one because they don't want a male mermaid (tumblr triggered intensifies)

bought this at midnight on the eshop last night and chose litten but have decided to reset because popplio is so cute to me.

BUT why is everyone wanting a female one??? I can't find the real pictures of it's evolution. what's wrong with the male one? should I reset until I get a female? should I stick with litten in the end?? help me. I just wanna play lmao.

Female pokemon help with breeding purposes, special moves can be passed down onto a pokemon that normally can't learn them. That and Popplio's evolutions, it just has to be female, lmao.
here are the two evolutions

Anyone have a shiny Rowlet they wanna sell to me? Please I really want one to be named "Blathers".
so should I stick with litten? if I choose litten can I get popplio later?? ah.

thanks guys, appreciate the advice!
To the person who was looking for a Pichu so they could later have Alolan Raichu (I was in the exact same boat)...

When you get to the first BIG city, the one where you can buy clothes and get a new hairstyle, the grass around that city is FLOODED with Pichu. Route 1 is the first place where it can appear, but it's extremely rare. I spent 5 hours looking in Route 1, then got fed up and someone from GameFAQs traded me one. I then progressed my game a bit, got to the big city and literally ran into a horde of Pichu in the grass there. I was like "REALLY?!". Every other Pokemon encountered there was a Pichu!

Hope this helps, good luck!
Just finished the first Trial Captain battle and it was so hard like wtf?? He kept getting like two criticals in a row and I had to keep healing over and over.

In the end I had to poison him and let the damage do the kill. .-.
I had an opponent use Stun Spore on my Rowlet and it said it doesn't affect him? Has this always been the case?? I know it's a grass move and all but I've never heard of grass status not affecting grass types.
I had an opponent use Stun Spore on my Rowlet and it said it doesn't affect him? Has this always been the case?? I know it's a grass move and all but I've never heard of grass status not affecting grass types.

Grass types (and Electric types) have been immune to Stun Spore since Gen VI.
So I had been thinking this since the leaks and I just found this beautiful comic and had to share it!
i am waiting for both games to come from ozgameshop i paid for express post and still not got them and i am getting the guide book from amazon cheaper for me then buying it in australia where i live
To the person who was looking for a Pichu so they could later have Alolan Raichu (I was in the exact same boat)...

When you get to the first BIG city, the one where you can buy clothes and get a new hairstyle, the grass around that city is FLOODED with Pichu. Route 1 is the first place where it can appear, but it's extremely rare. I spent 5 hours looking in Route 1, then got fed up and someone from GameFAQs traded me one. I then progressed my game a bit, got to the big city and literally ran into a horde of Pichu in the grass there. I was like "REALLY?!". Every other Pokemon encountered there was a Pichu!

Hope this helps, good luck!

Great!!!! I'm stopping my adventure IL go there just there now
Beside today I was planning to stay some hours on getting pichu after my baking class