Pokémon Pokemon Sword Pokedex Completion Help


Professional Lalafell
Dec 11, 2017
Planet Glow Wand
Shooting Star Plush
Green Alien Plush
Asteroid Plush
Dino Plush
Yellow Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Aurora Sky
Hey folks! I'm super close to completing my Pokedex in Sword, but I can't get it done on my own! I'd love if folks could help me trade around Pokemon so I can fill up my dex. I don't ask to keep any of your Pokemon- at the most, I'll want to breed them to be able to keep ones for later.

And YES there WILL be Pokedex spoilers in here! So if folks aren't really fond of that, steer clear! The list will be updated as I gather more Pokemon, whether I myself do it or you guys do it!

If marked with a *, its a pokemon that requires being traded to evolve
If marked with a $, they are from Shield only
Bolded means I can get them on my own, no matter how difficult or slim the chance. NOT including max raid battles.


That being said, for any pokemon that are breedable or relatively easy for me to get several of, I don't mind helping folks complete their pokedexes!! Just like this post or shoot me a VM and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!!
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Hi I have shield and i'm trying to get a living dex.
Let's help each other! :)

I have most of the pokemon you are looking for. I need a day to get them all ready for you.
So I could trade them tomorrow if you want. I would like sword exclusives in return!

You can keep all the pokemon I send you because i'll catch or breed you a new one.
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Hi I have shield and i'm trying to get a living dex.
Let's help each other! :)

Howdy thats perfect! Who do you need bud? I'm editing my list right now for dudes I think I can get on my own as well- no need to worry about the Jangmo-o line or Larvitar line.
I'm looking for a Dreepy, adamant ditto, the water starter (forgot his name) and most of the sword exclusives.

I have to work today and tomorrow, so i'll try to get most of them after. I'm free on tuesday so I'm able to trade all day that day.
I've got plenty of Dreepy! I mass-bred like... a lot. Same with Sobble, the water starter.

Sword Exclusives? Might leave some out but I can list em:

Larvitar line - Mawile - Farfetch'd - Vulpix - Turtonator - Appletun - Stonjourner - Scraggy - Deino - Seedot - Swirlix - Red Basculin

I know I'm missing some but searching my boxes and spotting ones that I know for suresies.
Yeah I still miss deino, jangmo-o , seedot, rufflet, swirlix line, scraggy, sawk, mawile, solrock, passimian, turnonator, G farfetch, G Darumaka, flapple and stonejouner.

And a dreepy would be super nice because I can't seem to find the little basterd in my game haha. As with the water starter (got the fire over wonder trade so I can breed you one too )
Yeah I still miss deino, jangmo-o , seedot, rufflet, swirlix line, scraggy, sawk, mawile, solrock, passimian, turnonator, G farfetch, G Darumaka, flapple and stonejouner.

And a dreepy would be super nice because I can't seem to find the little basterd in my game haha. As with the water starter (got the fire over wonder trade so I can breed you one too )

Dreepy had been a pain in an ass to catch but that's why I bred so many, lmao! I also got my Sobble through wonder trade as well sooo, perfect.

I can get you all the ones you put up top if you give me a little time to breed and stuffs. Jangmo-o, Sobble, and Dreepy are for sure ready to be trade though!!
I already have mandibuzz, croagunk and sawk ready so we can trade now if you want. I have work in 1 hour so i have a little time left haha.
Got it! I forgot to have my friend code up but we can use link code I guess. I'll put up my switch code anyway. My name on switch is Heck, and my name in game is Dilly.

I'm starting a search for a trainer right now! trying it first with no code cause I'm Lazy.

nevermind! sent the link code to your VMS

- - - Post Merge - - -

Settling in bed for the night, everyone. I'll update the list on new 'Mons in the morning, as I'll probably be laying in bed with me switch lmao.
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Rufflet / Braviary

Zacian (only see)

These are the one's I still need, most of them are Sword exclusives.
If we trade for the second time, do you mind if I trade you an extra Spritzee and Phantump so that you can trade those back? I need the evolved one for my living dex. I can also trade you a Rydon with the item so it will evolve, but I need that one back for my living dex also.

. You can keep all the other pokemon :)
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