Pokémon Pokémon . . . Unite!


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)

I was recently on a road trip and just heard about this game. It looked interesting so I decided to try it out. Has anyone else played this? For those that don’t know, it seems to be a team battle game with five players being pitted against five other players in stadium-style matchups. The goal of the game is to defeat enemies and score as many points as possible in the opposing team’s goalposts. It seems like a combination of Pokken Tournament and Pokemon Masters EX with the way it plays. Most of all, it’s free to download! Anyone who downloads it between now and August 31st gets a free Zeraora Unite License as well. I haven’t played it that much yet, but here’s my trainer card and battle stats:

If anyone wants to add me feel free to send a request! I’ll be updating my progress on the game as I get further in and level up more. :)
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Just unlocked ranked matches and did my first ranked match, and ended up winning! I was also the top scorer for our team! A memory I will never forget (since I’m sure to lose at some point). 😤


Played Pokemon Unite for the first time in awhile today and LOVING the new updates. I did one ranked match today, and our team won… by only five points!!! We really rallied together towards the end, it was beautiful. I bet the other team was miffed after that. 😂


(Also, if anyone is wondering why I’m using my least favorite Pokemon, it’s just because Greninja is really versatile in this game. Lol)

I’m so close to the next ranked class that I can taste it! :D
Just now getting back into Pokemon Unite after taking an extended break from it. I had logged in during the winter and acquired the special Christmas outfit. Just did my first ranked match in a LONG time, and I have to say, it was awesome remembering how to play and leading my team to victory. :D



I managed to get enough different currencies and money to buy the Garchomp Unite License. I initially was going to go for Dragonite, but Garchomp is more similar to Lucario in terms of how he plays, so I'm excited to start using him. I also happened to get his Stakeout outfit by chance, and managed to purchase the Stakeout player outfit as well. Just look at these bois ready to get down to business. :D


I'll probably play more later, but winning my first match since returning is a serious motivation booster for playing more. Plus, over all the battles I've fought, I've ended up winning more than I've lost (based on win percentage). : P
It's only fitting that my first time using Garchomp and in my 50th battle we get a SMASHING win! I have to say, from what I played of him, I really enjoy using him, even more than Lucario. :D


Got yet another win using Garchomp. I'm soooo close to moving past Great Class 2 in ranked matches now. I feel like whenever I use him, as long as I have a decent team and can evolve to my final stage, I'll win.


Been shredding it with Garchomp in ranked matches lately! I haven't lost a single match with him, and keep getting MVP. :D








Managed to level up as a trainer as well!


And made it all the way from Great Class 2 to Expert Class 1!!! :D


Going to stop there for now, but that was a blast. You just can't beat the power packed taste of a skilled Garchomp. 😁 ✌️
i've never played it before, but have been interested; just not sure how it's played? As in what you do to battle etc.
i've never played it before, but have been interested; just not sure how it's played? As in what you do to battle etc.

Everyone uses a "Pokemon Unite License" (of which you can get more of) to duke it out in 5v5 stadium matchups where you can only win by working with your team and scoring the most points in the opposing "goalposts." It's a bit like soccer and also a game of advantages. If your team happens to knock out the opposing team's goalposts faster, you can make a beeline for their home goal (which is where you spawn out of after your Pokemon faints) and dunk points in it.

The team with the most points scored wins. There's tons of different Pokemon Unite Licenses to choose from (my favorites are Lucario and Garchomp), lots of good trainer customization, and most of all, it's free to play (but beware of microtransactions. I've been able to avoid them pretty well in this game, but they're still there).

Here's what a match can look like for reference:

Everyone uses a "Pokemon Unite License" (of which you can get more of) to duke it out in 5v5 stadium matchups where you can only win by working with your team and scoring the most points in the opposing "goalposts." It's a bit like soccer and also a game of advantages. If your team happens to knock out the opposing team's goalposts faster, you can make a beeline for their home goal (which is where you spawn out of after your Pokemon faints) and dunk points in it.

The team with the most points scored wins. There's tons of different Pokemon Unite Licenses to choose from (my favorites are Lucario and Garchomp), lots of good trainer customization, and most of all, it's free to play (but beware of microtransactions. I've been able to avoid them pretty well in this game, but they're still there).

Here's what a match can look like for reference:

Oh, so you can use most Pokemon in this game? Or is it specific common Pokemon?
But it definitely sounds cool, kinda like a football, tag battle.
And a pokemon License, sounds nifty! Definitely gonna try it out!
Oh, so you can use most Pokemon in this game? Or is it specific common Pokemon?
But it definitely sounds cool, kinda like a football, tag battle.
And a pokemon License, sounds nifty! Definitely gonna try it out!

It's specific Pokemon, but there's a good range of them available to use now.

And yeah, it's like football tag battle for sure.

I hope you have fun with it! :D
I've been actively playing again and reaping the anniversary rewards! So many cool things going on right now in this game! 🤩

I've also been playing the heck out of ranked and I finally made it to Veteran rank from Expert! I'm going to be taking a break now, but I'm now just 5 classes away from Ultra rank, which is basically the top (if you don't count Masters above it, but that's for the best of the best).

I've been maining Tyranitar, and just absolutely crushing opposing teams and helping my teammates out. I've had some losses as well, but I'm just glad I managed to make it to Veteran rank. 🥳



Just recently got back into Pokemon Unite to kill some time, and the first expert ranked match I played in I DOMINATED. I ended up scoring the most points I've ever scored in a Pokemon Unite match, and I scored more than the entire enemy team COMBINED. :LOL:

Definitely plan on playing more with Urshifu now. Seems like just the right partner for me.




Also leveled up. :D