Pokémon Pokémon You Hated But Now Like?


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
I used to sort of dislike Girafarig. I didn't hate it, but I wasn't particularly fond of it. Then I decided to use one in my Crystal team and ended up really liking it.

On that same team I also had an Electrode, and that made me like the Pok?mon a bit more. Being able to explode on everything you see made for a fun game.
I used to hate Sylveon because I thought that it wasn't a necessary Eeveelution. Like, whenever I looked at Eeveelution pictures, it would make me mad that they included Sylveon on it even though it was a canon Pokemon. Then, I used it and realized how much I really liked it. To be honest, I'll probably go through a phase like this for any new Eeveelution.
Zigzagoon, it'd be the only Pokemon I'd ever see in Dungeon Blue, which is a silly reason to dislike a Pokemon. I just got so tired of seeing it everywhere! Anyway, Zigzagoon is cute and is just doing it's thing, it doesn't deserve it.
I really didn't like Poochyena; the grunts have them as a go-to so I ended up really loathing them. Then I played Emerald and ended up adding a Poochyena to my team which later evolved into a Mightyena that proved to be very useful in my journey. c:
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I really didn't like Dedenne. Like I felt it was just like Pikachu and there was no need to make pokemon exactly like Pikachu - to me -
But after a while I'm really loving this pokemon! I dunno how it changed me, but I find it so cute and I love it's ability cheek pouch I think that's what it's called?
But yeah, now I find it so adorable.
I really didn't like Dedenne. Like I felt it was just like Pikachu and there was no need to make pokemon exactly like Pikachu - to me -
But after a while I'm really loving this pokemon! I dunno how it changed me, but I find it so cute and I love it's ability cheek pouch I think that's what it's called?
But yeah, now I find it so adorable.

Yeah, I thought Togedemaru was just another Pikachu clone and I didn't think it was amazing.. and then I used one and realized that it can pretty much destroy anything that isn't a ground type. I used Togedemaru on my Moon team and I'm using big boi (totem) Togedemaru on my Ultra Moon team.
Muk, Shiftry, and Beautifly all come to mind. I didn't hate them initially, per se, but I certainly wasn't a huge fan. However, after using each of them in game over the past few years Ive gained an appreciation for them. Beautifly in particular is higher on my list.
Yeah, I thought Togedemaru was just another Pikachu clone and I didn't think it was amazing.. and then I used one and realized that it can pretty much destroy anything that isn't a ground type. I used Togedemaru on my Moon team and I'm using big boi (totem) Togedemaru on my Ultra Moon team.

I was the same with Togedemaru as well~Until I used one and was training it for certain egg move possibilities and it feels so good to have one on my team~
swampert i used to think it was stupid but then i used one and it was awesome i still hait and its 13 levels higher than the rest of my team it was that good
Gonna say Delphox. Back then when X/Y came out and Delphox got shown, I really didn't like it. While I found Fennekin and Braixen pretty nice, something bothered me about that Pokemon, as I imagined Fennekin's different. It took me while till I start to give it a chance, as I wanted to have new Pokemon in my team since I had all the time the same ones with me. And so I decided to let my Braixen evolve and after all, I found Delphox not that bad at all, I started to get used to it. It's actually a nice Pokemon after all.
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Ironically enough, there?s more Pokemon I liked but now hate than there are ones that I hated but now like, lmao. One that I used to hate but now like that comes to mind though is Piplup. I used to not really care for its design and for other various reasons I didn?t like it, but after having used it before in some attempted Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke Challenges and knowing that its final evo is a unique water/steel type, I can safely say I enjoy Piplup?s line alongside Chimchar?s line. I love gen four, but the only one I don?t like is Turtwig?s line and Torterra, and I don?t think that?s ever going to change.
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While not hate, I used to not really care for doduo much... but that was before I got my shiny.
idk.. i wouldn't say hate but now that i got a shiny mimikyu i love it aha and even if i can't use it properly yet it's dang pretty
Hmm I dont think I ever hated a pokemon but there's ton that i looked past and didnt think much of but then later on they grew on me more. Like morelull and shiinotic i didnt really care for at first but seeing them in the anime made me see it differently, i think its absolutely adorable now! ive grown to appreciate these pokemon.
For a while, I never paid so much attention to Leafeon, as it was one of those Pokemon which I
didn't liked at first because of it's design. I found it kinda boring. But now I think it's overall quite