Poll to Decide a Board's Bells

Should posts in the Villager Trading Plaza earn bells?

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Sorry, I didn't read through all the replies, but I think this proposal sounds more appropriate on the ACC forum. I came here to TBT to get away from rules like this. I don't see the point in excluding that particular forum or why other people earning bells is something to concern myself with. :/
I, for one, never thought about getting bells for each post.

Exactly what I was feeling until I saw this thread.

I'm not thinking about the bells. I just think "okay I have enough bells to do this and that". I don't think about how I made them. I'm just thinking about the fact I have them.
I can see why some would like it to be turned off but when it comes down to it, if you see someone breaking the rules you just need to report it. If the mod looking at the report feels that what you reported is spam or too off topic, they will take action. Let's try to keep cycling threads about cycling; trading about trading villagers, and so on for the Villager Trading Plaza. If you want to talk about something that has nothing to do with cycling/trading/giveaway/auctioning a villager it's best if you move the conversation to Brewsters or a private message :)

I don't think we'll be turning off the bells for the villager trading plaza board anytime soon. I'm closing this thread because it's more of a staff decision to turn off bells to a board. We may discuss this together at a later date. Thank you for voicing your opinion!
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In my opinion, Example 3 is very good for a cycling thread.
It shows that the cycler/person lurking for a villager, had to go, and is now back. Has an explanation as to why as well. A lot of the time this is very good to know. Especially when it comes to a cycler.

The people who cycle, are giving to others. And you want to remove their only reward? They expect nothing in return. They're giving to the community. So in my opinion it is fair that they get to keep their bells and bell earnings.
Cycling is tedious, it's boring, and it takes a long time. So posting regularly to show that you're still active and still cycling, is a good thing. It lets the people know that they're still going. And it also puts some fun into it for the cycler themselves. So I don't find off-topic bad in this sense. There's only so many "Cycling on" you can type before you get completely bored and just stop.

I don't care much for bells, but since it's the only thing most people get in return from giving away their villagers completely for free, to people who have them as dreamies, keep them. Go ahead and put a limit to the bells earned, but don't take it away completely.
Exactly what I was feeling until I saw this thread.

I'm not thinking about the bells. I just think "okay I have enough bells to do this and that". I don't think about how I made them. I'm just thinking about the fact I have them.

It's not even that, in a way. I'm posting because I felt like posting and chatting. Bells don't even cross my mind. In fact, that's basically what the VTP people think too. They post because they want to chat or cycle their villagers. The villagers are free anyway, so how do bells even become a priority?
If bells don't matter to you guys why are you defending it so much? I post on the board and don't really start convos but i do think the tbt bells should be removed

;;I'm on mobile so there migbt be typos
I can see why some would like it to be turned off but when it comes down to it, if you see someone breaking the rules you just need to report it. If the mod looking at the report feels that what you reported is spam or too off topic, they will take action. Let's try to keep cycling threads about cycling; trading about trading villagers, and so on for the Villager Trading Plaza. If you want to talk about something that has nothing to do with cycling/trading/giveaway/auctioning a villager it's best if you move the conversation to Brewsters or a private message :)

I don't think we'll be turning off the bells for the villager trading plaza board anytime soon. I'm closing this thread because it's more of a staff decision to turn off bells to a board. We may discuss this together at a later date. Thank you for voicing your opinion!

Thank you for that. :)
I get more bells from my banner commissions than from posts. I like chatting with my fellow cyclers and lurkers. It gets a lil boring and lonely otherwise. I really don't pay attention to the number of bells I earn from posts. It's nice that we do get bells, but I don't want that to be taken away, since I rather not rely solely on commissions to get bells.

Sparks brought up a good point, what's the huge deal where the bells come from? All the bells are good for are for commissions and buying add-ons. It's not like you can dupe them or anything... :/ Besides, you don't make that much from posts. Even a really long post gets you less than 10 TBT bells... If you want bells so badly, sell stuff or take commissions.
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The title isn't the best, I know. I'm not good at naming things.

The whole point of this poll is to vote on whether posts on the Villager Trading Plaza board should earn bells or not. I'm sure some of you are confused as to why I would propose this. Well, no offense to some of you, but I've noticed quite a few threads that have gotten spammy and off-topic. For example,

I've noticed threads going from 0 to almost 4000 posts in the span of a week. I am almost positive no other thread that earns bells has done.

So, the reasons I want to remove the ability to earn bells from the board is simple: A good amount of these threads have become the General Discussion 2.0 thread. We don't earn bells for anything in that thread, and it's essentially the spam thread, so why should we allow it in the Trading Plaza?

I'm a cycler who started one of the group cycling threads you're evidently having such a problem with. We encourage chatter because the better we know someone the better we know whether they're going to violate more than one of our rules -- rules like "if you claim a character as a dreamy and then sell/"trade up" you will be blacklisted" -- and actually helps us maintain order.

Now, honestly, wherever you feel like doing your business or socialising or whathaveyou is fine but as a cycler, I need people to chat in my thread. And let's not forget that a FORUM (etymology is important) is for the airing of ideas -- one person alone need not be the sole decider of the merit of those ideas.
If bells don't matter to you guys why are you defending it so much? I post on the board and don't really start convos but i do think the tbt bells should be removed

;;I'm on mobile so there migbt be typos

Because while they might not care, others do and they're defending other people's rights in getting bells from the VTP.
This thread basically ended the way I predicted...Good discussion though.
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