Giveaway POPPY the NORMAL SQUIRREL is in boxes. :)

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Ooh she's so cute! If I had space, I would have taken her :(
Hope she finds a home!
I want her so bad! She is one of my dream villagers! I would love to have her :)
I love poppy! Is she still available?

Yes, because the other person isn't online. I will add you. :)
Please add me and get ready to come over.
My town is LeoCreek. :)

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I need your fc,please.
Ok! I'm actually new to this :/ my FC is 5043-2618-4418

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My name is Dia from the town of sweets :)
Ok! Let me know when your gate is open :) this is so exciting! :3 it's my first time being here in bell tree forums
Have you adopted villagers before? You come to my town, talk to her, invite her to move to your town.
Then you have to not visit or have visitors in your town until you see her house plot reservation, or the adoption can be over ridden by a random move in.
It might also be a good idea to disable your streetpass so you don't get a streetpass move in, which would also cancel the adoption.

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And , also, no spotpass until after as well.
Yay! Thank you again! :)

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How do you disable street pass?
You save your game, close, and go into settings on the home menu.

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It is in data management in the system settings.
Bye now!
Thread closed.

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