Beau. Everyone wants him and he goes for millions meanwhile he was the first villager I talked to in NL and I desperately tried to get rid of him. I was happy when he moved out. Overall however I don't really like lazy villagers.
I love cats and I love lazies....but Bob just doesn't appeal to me. I don't know why. Stitches is over rated. I have him in my town and I don't think he's worth all the buzz...I much prefer Biskit <3
I never really understood the appeal of Lolly (I had her in cityfolk, she was kinda boring and her house wasnt that cool) and Beau (he looks exactly like all the other male deer) and I also dont understand why Peaches isnt as popular as Stiches because they are both kinda stitched up dolls sorta and are both really cute anyways my fav villager is Diva >.> who for some reason people heavily dislike.....
The more I talk to Beau the more I really don't like him, either... he just doesn't have much character to him. I enjoyed Benedict much more as my lazy.
Carrying on from my Julian rant...
I hate unicorns. So even if there was a different gender or more interesting unicorn, I'd still be put off.
He immediately struck me as boring. He was all blue. Such array of colours.
Also, I don't really like smug villagers.
Well, I don't really like the Octipi. I will admit- I've entered raffles for populars for some friends.. (Without saying because I've been trying to get one for them for Christmas as a present..).
I used to have Fauna and sold her- I don't really like her. I have Kyle- which, he's awesome!
But, a lot of them are bland and I can't figure out why they're popular in the first place..