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Population Growing Features You Miss

I miss it so much!!! Aerobics were my fave, idk why they didn't include it??? and the old museum with proper constellations not empty rooms! above all my mossy furniture, I loved it so much :((( ooh ooh and the 15 villager limit too D:
I miss Wisp, in his ghostly form. I remember villagers used to talk about seeing a ghost at night, and shuddering, it was one of those conversations with villagers that were interesting to hear.

I also miss:

- The sports festivals
- The morning aerobics
- I actually somewhat miss the acre system, but I don't really want it back. At the same time, it made it easier to keep up with villagers. And served as a sort of organizational feature.
- Not really a feature, but I miss quite a few of the villagers from this game, that they never brought back.
- The balls you could find around town were cool, though delivering them to villagers was often pretty annoying, especially the villagers who lived near water or cliffs.
- I somewhat miss the large bushes that were on the ground, as well as they cliffs that divided the town into an upper and lower region.
- The dump was a pretty cool feature.
- Having a gyroid outside you house was kind of cool.
- The ability to find and play NES games was a great feature, something similar to that would be great to have again, though unfortunately it will likely never happen, now that Nintendo has monetized their old games again via Virtual Console.
- The ability to ask for errands was nice. In Wild World and City Folk it felt like I didn't get anywhere near as many opportunities to run errands, but the errand system in New Leaf seems to be pretty good. I still miss having the ability to ask for them though.
- I kinda miss the old TV's, where each one played something different, even though it was really a simple feature. I find the current TV's a bit annoying actually, too much random noise.
- I miss the villagers referring to Nintendo related things, such as when villagers would sometimes ask you to go ask another villager to return their gameboy. Or when they would talk about playing their NES.
- I somewhat miss the sign posts, sure they aren't the most appealing thing, but they gave you the advantage of knowing where villagers could possibly move. Now they move in random spots, and often in the worst spaces, which is annoying.
- I miss the old police station, where Copper and Booker worked together, even though the building itself looked kind of odd (They still do though).
- I miss Blathers rambling about everything you donate. But the information provided at the actual exhibits makes up for this, it's just not as humorous.
- I miss the old dialogue villagers had, for whatever reason it just seems like there was more they had to say. But perhaps not.

Sorry, I know it's a lot, and I could probably list more, but that's enough for now.
I actually kind of liked the acre system? I mean I'm also very fond of just one big open area like ACNL, but maybe someday have at least one more game with acres. Also 15 villagers, I definitely am open for more villager spots. I honestly was never awake for morning aerobics LOL and never came across Wisp, but seeing them again in future games would be lovely.
I miss the journals. I hate it that Nintendo will never revive them at all.

I also like the NES Games and slot machine furniture. Half of what I said in this sentence is very understandable to see why WW to NL can't have that. But at least the island tours are serving as a replacement, but only better. But the other, I do not understand why WW to NL can't have.
Morning aerobics, Copper and Booker being partners and working together so I dont have to choose one over the other, observatory and I kinda miss the wishing fountain/well thing in the main plaza! If we could have a combo of the growing tree and fountain itd be sweet. Also 15 villagers and assigned places for houses for villagers.