Post About Some Food Native to Your Country/Region!


We're purr-fect fur each other!
Jan 14, 2022
Red Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Spring Sakura
Red Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Red Feather
Red Candy
Spring Sakura
Purple Candy
Purple Feather
I don't think the title makes much sense, but bear with me. Us humans have made food into a sort of culture, and it's different from each country. Because it's such a simple thing but so diverse, I thought that it'd be a good idea for us to talk about food from our respective regions!

I'll start: Hoo boy, I am SO excited to talk about poutine! It's a simple mix of fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It's only in Québec, AND IT'S SO GOOD!! Also, the cheese curds squeak when you bite into 'em! Despite only being available in Québec, I think it's starting to spread across Canada, which is totes awesome! Anyway, here it is in all of its tasty glory. :] It looks kind of gross, but I love it to bits and I promise that it's delish!!

I don't know about other regions, but in Western Canada you can buy poutine in basically every fast food restaurant, from local chains to McDonald's. The quality definitely varies by location however. I haven't had poutine in forever, and this thread kind of makes me want to order some.

I'd also like to mention butter tarts. I actually didn't know they originated in Canada until recently, but I've been eating them for years and they're really good.


Fasnacht donuts. It's a PA/Dutch holiday where stuff such as sugar, lard, butter, eggs, ect are used up in the household before lent begins and they use it all to make these solid donut balls. They come plain, powdered, and glazed.
I don't know about other regions, but in Western Canada you can buy poutine in basically every fast food restaurant, from local chains to McDonald's. The quality definitely varies by location however. I haven't had poutine in forever, and this thread kind of makes me want to order some.
Wait, really?? I didn't know that, that's so awesome!! I love poutine. >w<
And all this food is making me hungry, especially the fasnacht donuts. ;w; I love donuts!!
I am half Chinese and my mothers side is full Chinese! My PoPo makes us delectable Chinese food every single Sunday when we visit! It is homemade and it takes her many hours but IT IS VERY GOOD. I found this picture of the bao she makes! She normally makes us these really good meat and vegetable ones but she started buying these really good sweet barbecue flavored ones from Buford Highway. (I do not live in China I live in the US btw!)
Pupusas, the delicious dish from El Salvador and Honduras! They are sort of the flat bread with fillings such as cheese, pork, beans, mixed called revueltas, etc. They are served with curtido (which is a cabbage with vinegar, lime, carrots, and spices) and tomato sauce.

Pupusas, the delicious dish from El Salvador and Honduras! They are sort of the flat bread with fillings such as cheese, pork, beans, mixed called revueltas, etc. They are served with curtido (which is a cabbage with vinegar, lime, carrots, and spices) and tomato sauce.

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I'm literally salivating right now, it sounds so good. 😭
Calling all Canadians! Sorry if you wanted to post about this, but I must speak of the best "fast food" chain ever: Tim Hortons. I actually wanted to talk about the timbits, but ended up adding everything else in pretty much. XD I am 99.9% sure that Tim Hortons is only in Canada, but I love it to (tim)bits!! I also like to call it the Canadian Dunkin' Donuts, don't @ me.
