I found and caught a Woodhouse's toad outside while taking my dog potty about half and hour ago. Plan on releasing it tomorrow after I show it to my little sisters, it always makes their day when I show them cool stuff. :]
My dad is getting a triple bypass surgery because of his blocked arteries. I'm just glad he didn't have to wait until an actual heart attack to be examined by the doctor.
I've been having an acid reflux since last night so I feel kinda bad though this early morning, I saw my girl wearing her favorite dress (about to go to work). I complimented her that she has big butt or something then she started playfully shaking it in front of me. She said it like I'm going to "twirk it like Miley and workwork (Rihanna) on you" I thought it was really funny and too adorable of her. It made my day