Post something good that happened to you today.

Got to sleep properly, yes I know it was almost to 12 pm but hell mom cranking up the volume like every day this week was nice
Fresh outta work on a day I expected to be absolutely horrible but it was actually pretty tame and now I'm going to hang out with the raddest gal around in a bit. :)
Gramma's coming over
We got some noice food, berries, pie, ice cream, chips, other good stuffs
I got my package in the mail I ordered, and it got here rather quickly! I also was able to spend some quality time with my family for a change, so that was nice. :blush:
I slept really good and had a dream about a hamster instead of having horrible creepy weird dreams and nightmares like usual. ^u^
I saw some art I did a year ago and have just realized that I've come a long way just in the past year.
Nothing, i got punished on my birthday... i hope tonight will be better ;-;

your birthday doesn't make any difference on whether you should get punished for something or not :v

also stalking an ebay listing for a new se, hopefully it wont go to extreme prices ^^
I went to fanime this past weekend and wanted to get my friend something because I was going to send her parcel anyway. she doesn't like much anime that's still relevant but she does like kingdom hearts so I knew I wanted to get her something related to that. it was sudden tho and I've never played kingdom hearts or even know anything about it but I decided to spontaneously choose this set of character pins hoping she wouldn't dislike any of them. she got the parcel today and it seems it was a success yay
today marks the day i won't see him for another 3 months. :lemon:

thank god tbh
I did an elevator pitch in front of my class. (which is quite impressive because anxiety ffffff)