Cycling ✿ Post who you're looking for! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ✿ Currently in boxes: no one! ✿

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Great! I added you, and I'm opening my gates now. c: Feel free to go to her house by yourself! And please excuse how messy my second town is, haha. o:

You're awesome and made my day! I'm really glad I finally got her. Headed over now.
I can't do homework at the same time, haha. I'll continue this later! c:
I'm looking for Fauna and Marina if you happen to come across them! :)
Starting up again!

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Simon just pinged me. c:
Lurking & stalking for Kid Cat. So its not like last time where FREAKING TWILIGHT SWOOPS IN AND TAKES ALL THE VILLAGERS I WANT.

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Did my last post post? I don't see it? I asked for Merengue and KidCat to be looked out for :3

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None of my posts are posting to me o.o
I'll wait a little bit before I void him. Maybe someone will want him. ;O;

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Lurking & stalking for Kid Cat. So its not like last time where FREAKING TWILIGHT SWOOPS IN AND TAKES ALL THE VILLAGERS I WANT.

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Did my last post post? I don't see it? I asked for Merengue and KidCat to be looked out for :3

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None of my posts are posting to me o.o

Yeah that was weird haha. I can see them now though!
Will look for Drift and Wart JR (My town are overrunned with Crankys o_O ) as soon as im not full anymore
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