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Post Your Most Hilarious Moments In Animal Crossing New Leaf

When I looked at my New Leaf guidebook, I realized O'Hare has the same birthday as me (July 24th.) I'm thinking of trying to get him to move in my town, but I'm not entirely sure...
Ed asked for a pear for Toy Day I cannot even
In Wild World, Chief now has Gwen's catchphrase of "h-h-h-hon." Makes sense because everyone is calling me "cupcake."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, and I caught an arguement between Chief and Mitzi. Mitzi said they were only talking about making cupcakes. Chief's reply got me bawling: "Oh, yeah? Well, you're a doodiehead!"
Vesta....I don't think you should be smelling random objects.

Pietro got his gift!

It's an...uh...

He didn't elaborate how D:
I changed Lopez's catchphrase to 'in my butt' because I'm really immature, then later he asked me for a pear, so I said I would get him one, and he literally said this - "What? Really, in my butt? Then I'll await your tasty delivery, Lady J" I took that the wrong way completely and laughed about it for a fair while xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and another thing! I just recieved the randomest letter ever! Literally said this:
"To daring Jess,
You were lying on the beach, enjoying the breeze, listening to the waves crash on the shore... and then you shouted, "My sandwich was swept away!" Just a dream I had.
From dreaming Lopez"

What the?
When I tted my biggest dreamie out by accident then tted out another within an hour after. LOL I was dumb.
Kyle asked me to change his catchphrase, and, with the immature girl that I am, and curious as to the outcomes of this new catchphrase, I changed it to "in my butt." A few conversations later, he gave me an ebony piano (I think.) and he actually said this:
"Now, if we weren't friends already, that should hopefully speed things up, in my butt."
That sounds... interesting...
^ Daarn, should've gotten Bud to say "in my butt". D;

Speaking of...

Aaaaaalright then.

When I messed up and tried to make a Snowman. It melted now, but LOOL, would that crack me up every time I passed it. XD

I can't stand Amelia (all she talks about is shopping! And she never does anything interesting!), so I've been harassing her every time I see her.
First I sent a letter to her telling her to go die in a hole; it backfired, later she showed it to me saying how kind I was and how she loved reading my letters.
Then I pushed her towards the river, and dug holes around her so she was trapped; then I repeatedly hit her on the head with my net until she was angry, and walked away.
When I came back, she was happy and telling me how much she loved talking to me. xD (she was still trapped by the river).

Later, I put up an Eggy Parasol for sale in Re-Tail. I priced it at 5,000 bells. Amelia walked in, and pinged when she saw the parasol. I talked to her, and she said that she wanted the parasol, but didn't know if she should buy it because of the price. I told her to go ahead and buy it anyway, and she got ticked off at me and started yelling at me about how I must think she was stupid if she was going to buy such an overpriced item! LOL I got a good laugh out of that!

I'm going to have to start Project: Get Amelia To Move Out soon :D
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So, in Animal Crossing for the GameCube, I was pushing Tortimer towards a strategically placed pitfall.

Upon walking over it, Tortimer didn't do anything on the pitfall space.
Thus, I pushed a little too far, then fell in myself!
^ LOL.

Speaking of pitfalls...

Muahahaha, that's what you get for not giving me medicine, Paula!

Then she got mad and stomped my roses. D;
So, in Animal Crossing for the GameCube, I was pushing Tortimer towards a strategically placed pitfall.

Upon walking over it, Tortimer didn't do anything on the pitfall space.
Thus, I pushed a little too far, then fell in myself!
Take it from a serious animal crosser, special characters don't fall in
Hippeaux finally said he was moving, and I jokingly tried to pawn him off on some friends. Then, I caught him and Skye having a conversation where he was trying to get her to go shopping and/or fishing. She wasn't having any of it. One excuse after another. Then, Harry asked me to deliver a present to Hippeaux. It turned out to be a bear suit and it looked awful (even on him) and I told him so. Went back to Harry and he said, "Don't blame the clothes! Clothes can't help an ugly model!" Something to that effect. I was rolling. And now I better go on a Hippeaux blackout so he won't decide to stay.
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Ohmygawdy, had to revive this thread as I needed to share this with the world.


Er, what did I walk in on?


So much ship.
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In the town before I reset, this gorrila, Hans, built his house right in front of mine. One day I talked to him near his house and he said "Please stop staring at my house while I"m standing right here!"

He knew I wanted it gone o.o

I know this is 6 months later, but I had to comment because this happened to me too. Hans built his stinkin' house right in front of mine. I'm already counting the days until he's gone.

No funny, memorable moments have happened yet. Although, I always get the request to return an item to a villager who's standing right next to me. lol