Posting in your thread...


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
So how long do you have to wait after posting a thread to be the first post in your own thread?

I am trying to reserve the first post on a thread and IDK how long I have to wait cause I've tried a few times and it just keeps putting them together...
Yea, it's 30 minutes.
But if you're making it in a board where you can lock your own threads, you can just lock it until you're able to post again, then unlock, reserve post, lock, and repeat for how many posts you wanna reserve.
if you can't lock but wanna reserve them just make a 'do not post' warning and then if anyone posts, report it and ask the staff to delete it, i'm sure they'd be happy to do it for you