Posts you regret making

when my ex was cheating on me i used this forum as a way of venting and it makes for some messed up posts, i now try and remember not to let my personal life spill on to this forum too much haha.

oh wow, i was in the same situation and i pretty much the exact same thing hahahah
it was definitely unnecessary on my part though it felt nice to vent at the beginning
oh my god i remember the down with cis thread it was Wild someobe got banned for being "cisphobic" dhdjzkskaj what is this hellsite
Some of my posts on here have been really cringeworthy to the point where I can't even bear to click on any thread i've made no matter how recent. Some of them have really click-baity titles too.
No, I started on this site as a teen and I left my nastiness and my desire to provoke in my tween years. I can get too harsh or even too presumptuous with my posts, but I would never go out of my way to be mean to someone or make them feel bad about themselves. All my post are genuine reactions that I feel are necessary to a thread, or just my opinion on meaningless things.
Any post where I feel like I revealed too much private info or makes me look stupid. Also, all my really old posts where I used a million emoticons per post.

Oh yeah, and most of my posts from this thread.
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Please look in an Over-Competitive thread and prepare to hate and cringe at me like you never had done before. :(
I had a pretty negative relationship with someone like that, I hated how the person would put others down in such things, even me. Ultimately, I realized that not all are bad and that it's part of the human spirit, I haven't really seen the person but if I do I'm gonna do my best to fix the friendship again. It's still something that bothers me to this day, some see it as odd, some see it as understandable and know how I felt. Doesn't matter I guess... maybe.

Also hate when I feel like I'm being rude/annoying. And probably a thread I made about weight, I don't bother looking in these oh god. D:
I'm not sure what others would think of me when such posts are made.
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I almost always regret posting if it's not related to Animal Crossing. Particularly if it's concerning politics or anything personal. I feel like I make myself look (or sound?) stupid most of the time.

Me too. I was going to say every post because I feel like I'm being annoying. Animal Crossing related is fine though. I especially hate it when I start art threads in the museum because nobody ever gives feedback and it makes me feel like what I do is complete ****.
Once, I popped into the lgbtq+ support thread and offended a bunch of people just by posting in there and got called an "ally" with some questionable intentions? I almost cried and wished I never went in there hahaha. Now I always have this feeling that I can never side with lgbtq people openly or else I might seem like a bigot? It's a weird feeling, but now I try to stay out of those topics, even irl. Just in case I offend anyone..

I mean, there are lots of threads I started that are embarrassing but none have really affected me negatively to the point where it actually changed the way I acted irl besides that one. So I can safely say that those were the only posts I truly regret.

On a lighter note, I'm really embarrassed of a thread I made inviting people to sell their turnips in my town for the high, high price of 198 (or something like that, maybe it was even less), and that it would be free entrance, but I'd be accepting tips. I thought it was a high price for turnips until I realised it wasn't at all.. I felt like everyone would think I was cheap hahaha.
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Any posts involving politics or the lgbtq+ community. Those topics are, imo, too sensitive. They usually lead to conflict, and I am not normally a confrontational person. I get stressed out easily.
I don't regret anything I've posted. At least not on the Bell Tree...
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i regret existing.

also in posts that i haven't followed up since my personal life is too severe to even let me focus on the things I want to do anymore.


Once, I popped into the lgbtq+ support thread and offended a bunch of people just by posting in there and got called an "ally" with some questionable intentions? I almost cried and wished I never went in there hahaha. Now I always have this feeling that I can never side with lgbtq people openly or else I might seem like a bigot? It's a weird feeling, but now I try to stay out of those topics, even irl. Just in case I offend anyone..

I mean, there are lots of threads I started that are embarrassing but none have really affected me negatively to the point where it actually changed the way I acted irl besides that one. So I can safely say that those were the only posts I truly regret.

On a lighter note, I'm really embarrassed of a thread I made inviting people to sell their turnips in my town for the high, high price of 198 (or something like that, maybe it was even less), and that it would be free entrance, but I'd be accepting tips. I thought it was a high price for turnips until I realised it wasn't at all.. I felt like everyone would think I was cheap hahaha.

Just wanted to let you know.... Don't be afraid to express yourself. If you are an ally for that community, then, just say so. Just because you may have "questionable intentions" to a lot of them, doesn't mean that all of us are going to obsess over it. Honestly, people waste too much time on petty drama.

Don't fight the people who can't change it. Fight the mongerers.

But uh. Yeah. Be you, do you, don't let anyone tell you different. <3
everything lmao

but i mean the worst of the worst? there's quite a few threads and post that might've caused a bit of drama or whatever

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None of them

that's a lie