Once, I popped into the lgbtq+ support thread and offended a bunch of people just by posting in there and got called an "ally" with some questionable intentions? I almost cried and wished I never went in there hahaha. Now I always have this feeling that I can never side with lgbtq people openly or else I might seem like a bigot? It's a weird feeling, but now I try to stay out of those topics, even irl. Just in case I offend anyone..
I mean, there are lots of threads I started that are embarrassing but none have really affected me negatively to the point where it actually changed the way I acted irl besides that one. So I can safely say that those were the only posts I truly regret.
On a lighter note, I'm really embarrassed of a thread I made inviting people to sell their turnips in my town for the high, high price of 198 (or something like that, maybe it was even less), and that it would be free entrance, but I'd be accepting tips. I thought it was a high price for turnips until I realised it wasn't at all.. I felt like everyone would think I was cheap hahaha.