Preferred style of posting?


Senior Member ♡
Oct 22, 2018
Spring Sakura
Stardust Easter Egg
Purple Heart Balloon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Blue Rocket Pop
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Blue Rosewater Potion
Chocolate Cake
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Just curious, but how does everyone like to post? Do you use quick reply or advanced? The reason I ask this, is because recently (and a few weeks ago) I've been doing quick reply and it keeps double posting on me every time (and doesn't even really double post even after I choose the option of "leave") and I do not receive my bells, but when I do advanced, I earn them and it does not double posting on me on every single post I do. So also, is it better to do advance or quick reply? Would really like to hear some opinions or if anyone else has this problem.
I always use quick reply and lately I've been having the same issue. It doesn't happen all the time, but enough to be annoying. When I click to post, it'll ask me if I want to Leave or Cancel. Regardless of what I choose, it double posts and I've noticed any bells that I earned for the post are also revoked. It was more of an issue for me a few weeks ago. It seems to have gotten better recently.
the quick reply box is right there. why would I not use it? exceptions to if I'm quoting someone, obviously

and I typically manually type out all the bbcode too
I honestly never even really noticed the Go Advanced button. I'm just used to quick reply. Double posting doesn't bother me that much, and it rarely happens. It just feels more efficient for me to post a quick reply, anyways. :)
I always use quick reply and lately I've been having the same issue. It doesn't happen all the time, but enough to be annoying. When I click to post, it'll ask me if I want to Leave or Cancel. Regardless of what I choose, it double posts and I've noticed any bells that I earned for the post are also revoked. It was more of an issue for me a few weeks ago. It seems to have gotten better recently.

Yeah, it was happening to me a few weeks ago too. It almost seems to me that every post I did, it doubled posted. When I got back on here after a few weeks last night, I was doing just fine with the quick reply and then it started doing it to me again. Also, when it happens to me, it doesn't double post at all. When I click the leave option, it goes to the advanced post screen saying this is a "duplicate post in the last 5 minutes." I just usually leave after it sends me there to that screen. Not sure if that's why it doesn't double post. :/
Go Advanced is quite useful for posts which involve images. I want to make sure the image shows before I end up posting. It's also useful in my Memories of Fireleaf thread, since it gives access to additional features such as titling individual posts.

Other than that, I just use Quick Reply. I only use Go Advanced when there's an actual reason for me to do that.
usually i just use quick reply but sometimes when i put in emotes like :D i'll go advanced just to disable smilies. i honestly haven't had the double posting issue in a while :eek: