Preferred use of the forums?


just a little creacher
Jun 3, 2018
How do you prefer to use TBT forums?
Do you prefer to participate in discussions? Do you prefer to buy/trade/sell goods through games? Organize meetups in game?

Personally I use it for trading. Having access to a wide range of dedicated players who have goods and services that I do not is very helpful.
to sell goods on NL and to talk about animal crossing in general. It's a series I'm passionate about, so going into the AC boards and talking enthusiastically about it with someone else is really nice.
I mostly like replying to threads since that's often my main reason to join forums.
Originally I joined to engage in AC trades, but I've resorted to the TBT marketplace for collectibles and The Cellar for mafia (when it's alive) which has kept me on the site, plus all the cool people.
I mostly just post on random threads and participate in events/collectibles market. I actually only started using it for AC trades recently despite joining in 2015. And I played mafia for a bit when it was active.
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I originally joined because i wanted to adopt a villager but now i mostly use the forum to buy rv furniture and hybrids that i haven't had any success growing myself? But i also really enjoy replying to or starting threads because i used to only have one person to talk to about animal crossing and it's really fun learning about how other people play in their respective towns!
I first joined because I used to play AC:NL every single day and wanted to trade/buy furniture/fruits/etc. Now I use the forums to just lurk, participate in conversations I'm interested in, collect collectibles, and chat with friends I haven't seen in a while c:
i'm pretty much exclusively in the town hall section now if anything, I used to be pretty active in brewster's but man the nonsense that can go down in there....
I like starting/replying to threads. I like discussions and things. If my town were finished, I'd open up a shop or even a free thing to help people out. But I'm still working on my town so I can't really commit to that. I do buy from people here every now and then though.
I came here to ask/offer help/advice and the such. I still do that, but I also like playing the game and checking out the MarketPlace for collectables. Over time I started using/viewing the Museum boards and looking at other peoples art, while sometimes -thou not enough- posting my own.
Nowadays I like to post in the gaming discussion, general discussion, and town hall subforums exclusively. I make sure to check every thread so that there’s no new threads or posts that I missed in those sections each day, or every other day if I’m really busy with my studies. I imagine once AC Switch releases and I actually have a Switch and the game, I’ll begin posting in the AC subforums a lot, but right now I’m just kind of drifting around, lmao.
I originally joined to get my hands on AC items that I could not obtain easily, and then got very involved in trading in game items. I still like doing that occasionally, but not so much nowadays. I just like posting in threads that I find interesting or something I can contribute a decent discussion to, mostly non gaming related threads though. I also like trading in the tbt marketplace.
I haven't even been on Belltree for an entire year yet lol but when I first joined I had originally planned on only using this forum to get items that I myself could not. Specifically, the very first set I asked for on here was the 7/11 set. But now that I've gotten mostly everything I need/want for my town I try to giveaway items/bells when I see a lot of posts by people asking for them. I've also spent some time in the Nintendo Treehouse section of the forum, I like being able to discuss my other interests with people who I know will have something in common with me c:
I usually ****post when on the forums. You can spot me at the cellar or brewster but I probably won't touch the animal crossing threads till the switch game comes out.
Discussing about games or anything I'm interested in. Participating in events. I also visit tbt marketplace frequently. I no longer do animal crossing related trading since I stopped playing it.
Right now I use the forum to stay up to date on Switch news and discuss the game in general. Although I haven't touched my NL save in a while and PC has lost its luster for me it's still fun to be up to date on the goings on!