House of Nightmares

YIPPEE I KNEW I SAW HIS MOUSTACHE AND CROWN!! finally got a mirror right
I saw the crown but I was too lazy to look up and remember which characters wore crowns so I guessed Rosalina haha

Very lovely to see this event again this year! Thank you for hosting Justin, my old friend! And to all the other staff for making the mirrors! Always a great time seeing what’s in store and the reveals. 👻
Yeah no, these mirrors were to hard for me to even want to make a guess at all.

GGs for anyone who have serious inspection skills.

I got none. 😂

I'm wondering if my phone screen settings or something are off. Because i still don't see any part of the character at all, no matter how i adjust it. Nothing.

I might try looking at it on a computer tomorrow. Sometimes my phone is just not good enough with images, lol.
👻 Challenge #4 👻
What Nintendo Character Is This?

View attachment 595865

👻 The Reveal 👻

View attachment 595866

King Bob-omb
from Super Mario!

A special congratulations to Aniko for submitting the first correct guess in just 10 minutes!
Correct AnswersIncorrect Answers
Most Popular Incorrect Answers
Favourite Incorrect Answers
King DeeDeeDee​
Baby Peach​
just give me my bloody raffle ticket​

This mirror was created by Justin -- send your appreciation or rage towards them!

Correct submissions will be accepted by myself soon, which will earn you 3 Carnival Coins. If your submission has not been accepted by late tomorrow and you believe there has been a mistake, please message me then.

Thank you for participating in this year's Mouse of Nightmares everyone, it's been a pleasure! I hope you have a wonderful and spooky Halloween night!
gn y'all

asdksdjf I thought I saw a cat villager 😭 funnily enough I considered King Bob-omb for my Round 2 guess because I was certain I was seeing a mustachioed face in the floor fog
That leaves me at 1/4 for this event, but that's really good for me as far as mirror events go lol
Good luck to everyone in the raffle!! (・∀・)
I somehow managed to correctly guess the last two but I still hate them. Mostly because it's was Nintendo Character, not Animal Crossing Character. I didn't played many Nintendo games, I think I only played 2, maybe 3 Mario games. I just don't know that many characters! Because of that I think mirros are incredibly unfair.

But to be fair the third mirror was kinda okay, at least the character wasn't crazy obstructed and they could be seen clearly.