Prima guide page error

Mine's seems normal.Must be an error.But with one set of a copy,comes many others.There may still be another set of the books sold where she brought hers that will look the same.She should inform the place where she brought it from so they can look further into this.
I just noticed on the spine of my guide, where it says Animal Crossing New Leaf, "Animal" is spaced slightly into "Anim al"

I was wondering if anybody else has this on their guide as well? It's not a big deal at all, just wondering if it's my copy or most/all of them.

Yup mine too, I came to the thread to ask the same thing. Anim al.... I bought mine from a gamestop in southern U.S.
Yup mine too, I came to the thread to ask the same thing. Anim al.... I bought mine from a gamestop in southern U.S.

Yeah it's strange, doesn't really matter, just strange.

I bought mine in Mississauga, so southern Ontario
I figured I would share this on this thread as well:

Okay, I found a few with errors in their names and I'm confused as to where they go.

First of all, you know Dobie is where Freya's name should be and Freya is on Fang's.
Also, Dozer appears in the book but online it says that he has not returned and that Tutu should be on the list but she is not.

Next, I noticed a few name mistakes.
When comparing to the list online against the Prima guide:

ONLINE: EUGENE (the male koala "Rocky") PRIMA: Sonny
ONLINE: WALT (the male kangaroo) PRIMA: Skip
ONLINE: Naomi (the female cow) PRIMA: Yoko
ONLINE: Barold (the male bear) PRIMA: Barry

Anyone have these villagers in your town and can give insight into what is the correct names?