Prince Boo's Mansion

Hey everyone!

Check out the New and Improved "Your evil!" Machine. In Auto Mode.

-plays with it and it says "Your evil" alot- Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how can I say this, Pointless?
"Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!" "Your Evil!"

Turn it off. Hits self with rubber hammer.

*faints for a 3rd time* :lol:
Ok. Me too. I am going camping this weekend so someone will need to cook the food.

Bye Guys! See ya tommrow!
I can't stay on much today either because I have to win a basketball game. :angry: That hooker tried to kill me!
Guess what? There's a Walkway to Luigi's Mansion too now!

Check it out!
Grrrrrr you guys are nuts!!!! This will teach you a lesson! -transforms into a T-Rex- RAWR!!!!!!!!!!! -rams off roof of house and rips the house to shreads so we all are now cold, in the night time- Brrrrrrrrrr......shutup! It wasn't really my fault. And why is it always night here?
Of course I was Kolvo! -grows new tail and turns back to human- Plus if you did any real damge to me......well if I was dinosaur and you did it wouldn't because I only take the kinds if I'm human.........
*eyes open, now glowing* YAHHHH! *pillar of flame surrounded me* *shoots GIGANTIC Meteor at Pkmnmastersamus* METEO! *it hits PkmnasterSamus, shattering into millions of pieces*
-turns into T-Rex and eats Triforce3force- This time I can because......well......I'm not human this time and its NOT cannibalism!